chapter 7

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Tsuna Pov.

"bye tsu-kun,takeshi-kun,Hayato-kun and chrome-chan see you tomorrow!"

Kyoko said while waving at us
And started to walk away with her bestfriend Hana.

"T-then I will also take my leave,Mukuro-sama is now waiting for me at the gate..

chrome also left leaving us three in the classroom.

"So tsuna want to go home with us?"

Takeshi said.

"S-sorry, I still have something to do here,Nezo- sensei said I need to finish all the tests that I missed during my absence"

"Then will wait for you until you finish it.."-takeshi

"N-no no need ,I think its better if you two should go home first. takeshi you still have something to do for tonight right"

"Ah! Thats right I almost forgot haha.
Then how about next time ?"-takeshi

"I 'll try"

"Then Bye tsuna!"-takeshi

Takeshi run and stop to the door and salute? At us..

Wait Us ...
Hayato is still here!

"A-ano?,, hayato-kun you're not going home with takeshi-kun?"

"Hump! As if ,,"
Hayato took his bag from his chair and started to walk to the door .

But before he can completely leave he glanced at me .like he was hesitating if he will leave or not..



I sweatdrop at his action and smile.

Now then ...

"Reborn-sensei, how long can you keep hiding in there?"

I look at the empty wall and a square shape line form on it and suddenly open revealing an infant .

"Your Ineresting Tsunayoshi.."

'And your weird Reborn' ..
If only I could say that

"Me ?weird?..Do you want me to shoot this bullet on that lame brain of yours dame-tsuna? "

" hiee! Did you just read my mind?!"

I act suprised..

"No, your facial expression is easy to read."

reborn cant read minds he's only reading people face

"Oh~*sigh* are you doing here reborn- Sensei?"

"I should be the one asking that dame-Tsuna,why are you still here?,that Baka-Nezo did not give you any make up test you know.."

His right, Nezo-sensei did not give me any test,it was only An excuse to hayato at takeshi so they can leave without any farther question.

Remember this morning?

chapter 4)

I did not use the portal without any reason.

I use it to avoid contact with the enemy who are roaming around the house or even everywhere

Yes,I said they will attack tonight(chp.6) but that doesn't mean there is no enemy who where observing my actions.

Ah,about me entering this school
I had the feeling that mascherato's men still did not notice that I'm already gone in my house.

I put some of my sky flames inside my room so maybe they tought that I was still there ..

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