Chapter 13

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Normal pov.

After Reborn and the others (unknowingly) arrived at Byakuran mansion  all eyes where now at the adult hitman.

"Now, tell me who you are and where are we!?!"

Hayato demanded while pointing his dynamites at the hitman face.

Reborn just sighed and put away the dynamite as if it was only a toy .

"Tsk. Such trouble. Some brats"


Irk marks appear on hayato's head and he about to shout at Reborn (oh, hayato if only you knew who you're dealing with)
When the humongous door suddenly opened in front of them.


A redheaded boy suddenly came out of the door while sitting on a wheelchair that was pushed by an albino man and followed by a little girl with dark blue hair.

"ma~ who might you be?"

Takeshi asked first.

The little girl came forward.

"nice to meet you, I'm Yuni, a friend of Tsuna-nii and "

She looked at the surprised Reborn.

"uncle Renato"

Reborn sighed in relief coz his indentity as Reborn (chibi) wasnt revealed.

"Also, the albino man over there is Byakuran and the other one is Enma"

The introduction was followed by an awkward silence.

Yuni's sweat drops and she raised her voice.

"a-anyway I know that all of you are so confused about what's happening right now"

And that had hit everyone's thought,

"tell us, who was that man, what was the thing coming out from his body , and what's happening right now.?!"

Hayato flashed all his thoughts.


"let me explain, the details"

Reborn walk towards yuni


Yuni look at him.
Reborn smiled (smirked) and patted her head.

'let me handle this'

Yuni smiled back and averted her gaze, guilty.

Reborn was suspicious but he just shrugged it off.

"first, let me tell you about the flames"


They thought

"Do you remember the indigo flame that The masked man used?"

All of them nod.

"That flame was called the dying will flame"

"The dying will flame?"

Hayato said.

"Yes,and there are so many types of it and each Flame's attribute has its own special characteristic.  "

All of them gasp.

"The flames of the Sky .
the dying will flames of the Sky has seven different colored flames that is also named after the seven phenomena in the sky.

First the Storm ,Tempesta.
It's red and has the ability of Disintegration.
Highly offensive flames, it's Disintegration trait can induce anything it touches into decay and breaks it apart, including other Dying Will Flames.

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