chapter 12

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Normal Pov.


Reborn was shocked.

No, He was not shocked because Tsuna has flames, Reborn already knew about that when he first met him and saw him using it.

He was shocked because of the fact that tsuna is not only a mist and night flame user but also a Sky flame user. No one can inherit this kind of flame, not unless you belong to the primos blood line. Also, the student that he knew was supposed to be weak. The boy in front of him was different, totally different.

And there's one important thing .

How did he even know that I'm me, If I'm still in my adult form?'

Reborn thought.

''Reborn-sensei I know you don't like to be told or ordered around by me, but right now I need you to get out of here and bring the rest with you to a safe place."

Reborn felt a 'little' chill down his spine but did not show it for he didn't want to let his pride down. Instead he smirked.

"He~,and then what? I'll leave you? then You will fight that Mascherato alone?-"


Reborn's eyes widened.

"That's totally insane!, Even in my full strength I could not even break one bone on his body!"

Reborn disagreed.

Tsuna was silent until he sighed.

"*Sigh...seriously Sensei.."

Sunset eyes look at the black ones.

"Because from the very start the chance of You winning against him is only 10 %,"

An irk mark form on Reborn's head.but still keeping his cool.

"Ho~ are you telling me that no matter how I try to shoot and even kick him will not work? Are you telling me that you're the only one who can beat that guy?"

Tsuna's eyes close and open revealing his original brown color .

His sharp eyes soften and smile warmly at the infant who is now an adult.

''Maybe yes, maybe not. It depends on the situation, well that would I say if everything was the same as before.
But right now it's diferent, the truth is there are no possibility of mine to defeat him in my current state, demo, there's no problem in trying right?.Reborn."

Black flames burst on tsuna's forehead.

"And also I'm not saying that you could not defeat Mascherato.
Because you could,if you only have all of your memories and did not lose them."

"What are you-"

Reborn wasn't able to finish his sentence,Because a black portal suddenly appeared on Reborn's back, swallowing him and the others inside.

Taking them to the albino's mansion.

"What am I talking about you say,"

Tsuna smiled sadly.

'you'll find out soon,..I hope'


Tsuna look above and spot the man also looking at him.

"Too think that you are so kind enough .to give me time to talk to him and even let them escape Mascherato."

"Kuku,you should thank me because you are the first person that I given time to talk to someone before you .die."

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