Dinner with smosh

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Heres chapter five errbody

Amani's POAmani's POV

It was already 5:30 and I decided to take a shower and get ready for tonight. I kept thinking about ian and anthony they were both really attractive but there was something about ian that had an effect on me. Though I just met him he was just so cute. He was blushing when we were in the house. I wonder what he was blushing about. I guess i'll never know will I? When I got out of the shower it was already 6:00 I decided to wear my dark blue ripped skinny jeans and my reddish pink tank top with a black cardigan with long sleeves. I straight ironed my hair and put my makeup on and I put my converse sneakers on. As I locked the door to my house, I headed straight to the house next door to mine. I knocked on the door and anthony came out to greet me in. "Ah Amani come on in we ordered a pizza" "Oh awesome I just love pizza!!!" I said to him cheerfully.  He laughed as I took off my shoes. I even heard Ian laugh a little. "Ok guys dinners ready some come and get now while its hot!" Ian shouted from the kitchen while me and anthony were in the living room. "Coming!" We both said in at the same time. "Race you to the table!" Anthony grinned and took off. "Wait I wasn't ready!" I shouted back running. "Oh well you lost anyway." Anthony teased. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Ok let's eat!" Ian said smiling at me. Once we were settled in we started to dig in. The pzza was delicious. I mean who doesnt love pizza? I had at least three pieces. "Wow for a girl you sure eat a lot." ian said looking shocked. "You know it!" Anthony ignored what ian said and asked me "so Amani, where are you from?" I swallowed before I replied. "I'm from Nebraska." I told him. "Interesting" ian said "So what made you come to Sacramento?" He added "Well, I want to become an artist one day and I didn't really like living in Nebraska that much and I don't plan on going back there...ever." "Why not?" Anthony said looking into my eyes ian was staring at me too. I then looked down and said "I don't want to talk about it.. Just brings back bad memories." I said in a serious tone. Ian and anthony just stared at each other and just decided to thankfully  let it go. Once we finished eating I thanked ian and anthony for dinner and left the house without bothering to put my shoes on cause I was praticaly already home. When I got into my house I went into my new bedroom and got into my pjs and went to bed but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep at all. I tossed and turned but nothing worked. I decided to paint a picture to keep myself busy until I crashed. I painted a waterfall on a four eleven inched canvas then I finally finished the painting and I left it to dry. I went on my laptop to search for jobs. Ian gave me the wi-fi  password to his network and I still couldn't find a Job. I still couldn't sleep so I decided to go outside and sit on the front steps looking at the stars. Suddenly, I saw a dark figure that was tall and then I noticed it was ian. "Can't sleep either ?" He said as he he sat next to me on the front steps. "Nope." I said." He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him I was blushing But at the Same time I felt safe with his arm around me. "I think you're really going to start to feel at home in Sacremento" He said to me. "Oh really?" I asked him.  "Really it is a nice neighborhood wouldn't you agree?" "I guess..sure." "great!! so maybe we can hangout tommorow?" "Okayyy" " Great!! See you tommorow." he said getting up and walked back to his own house leaving me on the front steps of my house. I had just moved to a new state and I already made two friends. Go me!!!

Godd ending eh? i'd say so myself how bout you?? and by you I mean whoever is reading this. Haha well i'l update another time, but for now I should get going so farewell and stay tunned for the next chapter!!~courtney 

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