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Hey guys heres chapter 23 hope you like!!~courtney

Chapter 23

Anthony's POV

I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep but it just didn't feel right. I missed ian and I still hadn't herd from him. But I knew he would be back soon. The house just felt so empty without him in it. I pulled out my phone and texted him. "Where are you? Are you coming back soon? I miss you man." After five minutes, I got no reply. I could feel tears starting to fill my eyes. Ian was more than just my bestfriend, he was like my brother and if he didn't come back soon, what would happen to our friendship or even worse, smosh? I felt a rush of anxiety run through me and I started to run my hand through my hair a million times. I couldn't take it anymore so I got out of bed and into my car and drove to Maris house in my pajamas. When I got there, I knocked on the door and she opened it. "Anthony? What are you doing here?" She said tiredly she was in her pajamas too she I figured I woke her up. "Mari can I stay at your house just for tonight? I can't fall asleep in my house it just doesn't fell right without Ian there." She just nodded her head and let me in. "You can sleep here." She said pointing to the couch. "Ok thanks mari your the best." "Yea yea whatever goodnight loser." She said after she turned of the light and went back to her room. Once she was upstairs, I laid on the couch, and started to drift off to sleep. I wonder If Amani was with Ian though because her car is gone too.

I woke up the next day. Mari was cooking breakfast so I followed the delicious smells that were coming from the kitchen. "Goodmorning! How did you sleep?" Mari asked me as I sat down at the table. "I slept fine mom." I said back. She gave me an annoyed look then continued back on the cooking. "Have you talked to Ian lately?" "Well, no. I texted him last night and I got no reply at all. He must really hate me." "No he doesn't anthony you guys are practically brothers and I hate seeing you both avoid eachther like this. You have to apologize to him sooner or later you know!! But before you do, you need to apologize to Amani first." Mari was looking right at me with a serious look on her face now. "For what? I never did anything to her?" I said with a dumb look on face. "Uh yeah you did!!! When you kissed her and said you didn't mean it when you were on the phone with me, well, you just used her!" "Oh son of a bitch!!" I yelled as I face palmed myself. I realized I had just used Amani because I was alone in life. What kind of terrible asshole does that to a girl? "Ok thanks Mari I have to go apologize now bye." With that, I ran out the door and got in my car and drove back home.  The car ride felt like forever on my way back though. I was just worried if Amani would forgive me or not. Well, hopefully she will, hopefully she does.

Ohhhhhhhhhh what a cliffhanger huh??? What will happen next??? will the two smosh brothers make up??? will Amani forgive Anthony after he used her??? find out in the next chapter!!~courtney

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