Out to the Movies (ft mari)

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Hey guys so heres chapter 10, and yeat its actually a long chapter for the first time in forever!!! yayyyyy meeee!!!! well, enjoy and i'll see you at the end of the chapter!!~courtney

Chapter 10

Anthony's POV

As soon as I got into the house, I went into my bedroom and fell onto my bed and started to fall asleep when Ian came in the room. "Hey man Where did you and Amani go when I left to edit the video?" He asked. "I just drive her to the art place so she could feel apply for a job there dude that's all." Ian had a jealous look on his face. "Whatever man I'm going to bed! Night!" He said as he left the room. He went into his own room slamming the door shut behind him. "GOD DAMMIT!!!"I herd him yell down the hall from his room minutes later. He must have really liked Amani.

Ian's POV 

 Why did anthony have to try to take Amani from me? He knew I liked her. I wanted to be the one who drove her to the art place. But then I was editing this weeks video. Maybe Anthony wasn't trying to take her, I mean she needs to find a job and Anthony did point out the art place to her. I guess I just overreacted. I should just give it some time until I told her how I really feel. 


The next morning I woke up and went  in the kitchen to get breakfast. Anthony was just sitting there looking at me wierd  "Hey ian what do you wanna do today?" " I don't know man" suddenly my phone rings and its Mari. She's a good friend of ours and appears in our gamming videos. "Hey mari" I said in the phone "IM BORRRED!!!!" She said back. "We'll what do you want me to do about it?" "How bout we go to a movie then get something to eat after?" She suggested. "That actually sounds like a great Idea! And do you think our friend can come too?" I asked her. "Yea shure pick me up at my house at 12:30 ok?" "Ok so it's a date!" I said joking with her. "Yea you wish asshole!"" She yelled back and hung up. I decided to go to Amani's house and knock on her door to ask her if she wanted to come with us.

Amani's POV

I woke up around 11:00 and herd knocking at the door. I ran to the door as quick as I could and found ian standing there. "Hey ian." I said to him with a half smile on just because I had just woken up. "Hey Amani you ok?" Ian said looking at me concerned. "Yea I'm fine I just woke up that's all." The suddenly I remembered the paper work I had to bring to fill out for the art place that was hiring. "Oh damit!" I yelled. "What?" Ian said. "I have to hand in that paper work for the art place! I need to have it in by 11:30 an its already 11:00!" I started panicking when ian said "calm down Amani we"ll get in on time promise." He said. "Ok thanks ian once I'm ready i'll meet you in the driveway ok?" "Ok." Ian said. I decided to straighten my hair and I put on a pair of skinny jeans and for the too I just put on a white shirt with another anchor on it and for that hat I wore my black beanie and for shoes I put on a black pair of toms. I then picked up the paper work and headed towards Ian's car after locking my house. Anthony was In the passengers seat next to ian and greeted me as I got in the back seat. "Hey Amani! After you drop off your paper work were going to pick up a friend and go to the movies and then get a late lunch after." He said. "Oh sounds great!!" I said to him as we left the house. When we got to the art studio, I handed the papers to the lady and she told me she would call me tonight and tell me if I or the job or not. Then we left the studio and Ian and anthony and I all went to go get their friend. I wonder what their friend was like. "Oh hey Amani" ian said turning around to face me we were already on their friends street. "Our friends name is Mari. She's really funny and makes a lot of jokes but don't get offended by them ok? I think she'll really like you a lot." "Yea and she's a little crazy too so be carefull." Anthony added. "Ok." I said to both of then. It was 12:30 and we pulled into Maris driveway. Then I saw mari come out of the house. She had long black hair and she wore a yellow jacket with black pants and she wore converse sneakers on her feet. She must be asain because I can tell by just looking at her. (NOT TRYING TO SOUND RACIST BYE THE WAY!!) But she was really pretty. She locked her house and came towards the car greeting us. "Hey guys!" She said to us. She got in the back seat with me an we headed towards the highway. "Hey mari." Ian said to her. "This is our new neighbor Amani." Nice to meat you Amani! My names mari." She had her hand out to shake hands and I shook it. "Hey mari." I said to her. It's nice to meet you." She smiled at me. "So mari what movie are we seeing?" Anthony turned to Mari and me and the back seat. "I don't know whatever I think looks good." she said with annoyed tone in her voice. She turned to me. "Isn't he annoying?" She said to me "mari be quiet dont ask her random questions" ian said to her. "Oh you guys are too much." Mari said laughing I laughed a little too. We finally got to the movies and we ordered a bunch of food. We were going to see the last exorcism. It looked pretty good. Whole we were watching the movie mari was on my right and anthony was on my left. During the movie there was a really scary part so I covers my eyes and anthony just whispered in my ear "it's just a movie Amani Don't worry." He said  I felt so much better after he said that. After the movie, we went to an all you can eat buffe. Ian and anthony paid for all of us to eat. I offered to pay but they both told me no. "Please I don't mind paying for everyone." "Really Amani its ok we got this." Ian said to me as he handed the cashier the money. I gave up and decided to let then both pay. The restaurant was really nice and it had really good food. I got a salad and a roast beef sandwich, mari got a steak with pork fried rice and an egg roll on the side, and ian and anthony just got some teriyaki with a side of pork fried rice. The food was delicious like I couldn't stop eating it cuz it was that good. "So Amani we are you from?" Mari asked me. "Nebraska." I said betwwen eating my food. "Oh really that's neat!" She said to me. Ian was staring at me I have no idea why but it was cute. "Hey you know what we should do? Have a party!!"  Mari said cheerfully. "Where?" Anthony said back. "Duhh at your house!" "Maybe we can have a party." Ian said. "But when?" Anthony asked. "How about we have it on Saturday?" I suggested. It was only thursday so it gave us the rest of today and tommorow to set things up. "That's sounds like a great idea!" Ian said well have it this Saturday." He was grinning now. "Hooray Amani for coming up with the date!" Mari said giving me a high five. "yeah!!" Anthony cheered on. "Ah I can't wait till Saturday night now." Mari said. 

When we got into the car Mari decided we all play truth or dare. "Ok she said to anthony truth or dare?" "Uh truth" he said. "Do you like anyone?" "No" "how about you ian do you like anyone??" She asked ian. "Maybe.." He said concentrating on the road. "Awww who tell mehhh." "I can't." "Why not?" She said. "I just can't.." I could she his cheeks turning bright red. "Ugh this game is boring." she sighed. Then I said "how bout we get decorations for the party?" "That's a great Idea!" Mari said "ian let's go to the party store! Now!!" "Ok fine, great idea Amani." He said to me. I smiled. When we got to the party store, me and mari picked out the decorations an ian and anthony picked out the party favors. Then we left. We dropped off mari  and before she got out, she said to me "it was nice to meet you Amani." She said before hugging me added me to her contacts as I have her my number. "You too." I said back "text me later gurl." She said as she left the car. "I wil!" I shouted out the car window. She then disappeared into her house. 

"Ah girls" I herd ian and anthony say in unison. "Oh that's just what girls do." I joked with them. 

By the time we got back home, it was 8:30. The lady at the art place could call me any minute. And I hoped I would get the job. I thanked ian and anthony for taking me out for the day and ran back to my house as quickly as i could and waited for the call. Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang. I picked it up exicited to see if the lady from the art place was calling, But It was only mari. I shrugged and answered the phone. "Heyy Amani what's up?" Mari said into the phone. "Oh hey mari not much I'm just waiting for an important phone call." I said. "Ohh from who?" "This art place downtown I applied for a job and the lady said she would call me tonight and she hasn't yet. "Oh I see. Well don't get your hopes down Amani. I'm sure she will call soon." Mari said. "I won't. Thanks mari I feel better now." I said to her. "No problem." She said back to me. "I'm gonna go to bed now." She yawned. "Night girl." "Night" I hung up phone and I continued to wait for the lady to call. It was already  9:30, still no call. "I give up." I said out loud. I got up from the living room couch and went into my bedroom, got into my pj's, turned off the lights and got under the covers of my bed. Hopefully i'll get the call tommorow I thought to myself as I drifted to sleep.

Well that ends chapter 10!! looks like amani and mari hit it off pretty good right? and so now they're gonna throw a party with Ian and anthony too! haha. What will happen at the party? will someone confess feelings, will somebody kiss someone else? find out in the upcoming chapters that wait ahead of you lol. Well i'll try to update either later of tommorrow, well maybe tommorow idk yet. Well it's time for me to get going!! If you like the story so far be sure to vote on it and good day to you all you readers out there xoxox~courtney

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