Advice and secret crushes

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Hey guys heres chapter 21 hope ya enjoy it!!~courtney

Chapter 21

Ian's POV 

I was to disgusted with anthony after what he did so I decided to keep away from him for awhile. We both needed some space anyway. I was still so hurt about what anthony told me, kissing Amani even when he knew I liked her. What the fuck is wrong with him?!? A best friend would never do that. I decided to stay at my moms house for awhile until I felt it was okay to go home. I pulled into my moms driveway and opened the door. She looked surprised to see me at first, but then she smiled at me. "Hey sweetie nice to see you." She said. "Hey mom can I stay here for a few days?" I said to her. "What for?" She said to me as I sat down on the couch next to her. "Me and anthony got into a big fight." "Aw I'm sorry honey but you guys will make up eventually don't worry." "I don't know mom it was a really bad fight and I really don't want our friendship to fall apart about this fight." I said. I could feel tears forming in my eyes now. "Honey, anthony is a very good person. I'm sure you guys will make up eventually because everything does get better. Now tell me. Were you fighting over a girl?" "Kinda" "well don't let it get to you honey because it will get better." "I know mom thanks for the advice." "Your welcome. I'm gonna make dinner now ok? You just relax." My mom finished. "Thanks mom your the best!" I said. I was in much better mood now thanks to my mom. "And just remember Ian that when you wake up in the morning, everything will be much better." My mom added. I smiled at her and then put a movie on. 

Anthony's POV 

After what Amani had said told me, she really did make me feel a little better. But I can't like her because I know Ian does and I don't want to get into another fight with him like this one. It was already bad and I had to fix it before it got much worse. So I texted him. "Where are you?" He didn't reply until 15 minutes later. "Out."  That really didn't help much. But I just went with it. I knew he would be back eventually. I just had to give him some time to forget about the whole fight. I then called mari and asked if I could come over for some advice. So I did. When I got there, Mari welcomed me in and we went to sit on her bed to talk. "Lemme guess, it's about Amani and how Ian likes her isn't it?" Mari began. "Well, me and Ian kinda got into a big fight about her. And how I kissed her." I said. "Oh yea I remember you called me and told me bout that. How did Ian handle it?" "He just flipped out and drove away and hasn't come back since." "Don't worry anthony, I'm sure he will come back home soon and if he's ready to listen, then tell him the truth why you kissed her." "Thanks Mari. I feel much better now I hope he comes soon back though. I gotta go and thanks a lot for your help too." I said to her as I got up and headed towards the door. "No problem." I heard Mari say as I was already out the door.

Mari's POV

After I heard Anthony's car drive away, I fell back on my bed thinking about him. "Why can't he just love me like I love him?!?" I yelled outloud. Ok, the truth is, I like anthony. Like more than a friend like ok?? there I said it!! But anyways, I liked to help him and ian out whenever they had a problem and had me to talk to. I felt special to the both of them and it made me feel good. But he did kiss Amani, I think ian might have to at the party but I wasn't sure. I have to confess my feelings to Anthony.

Well thats all for tonight!! see tommorow!!~courtney

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