Chapter 1

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"Hey! Can I get a refill over here!" Someone shouted.

A girl with light blue hair tied in two braids looked over at them. "Of course!" She exclaimed, walking over and pouring some water into a glass for the man, along with the two glasses for his wife and son.

"Thank you." The woman said, she looked tired, most likely due to the energetic toddler sitting next to her.

"No problem. Enjoy your meal." The girl smiled and walked back to the kitchen, sighing and placing the tray she was holding on the counter and leaned against the wall.

"Hey, Brooks!" A voice said, making the girl turn her head and look at the person who called her name.

"Yeah, boss?" She asked. "You need something?"

"Yes." He said, walking up to her. "There's a new tavern on the hill. I'd like you to scope it out."

"See what the competition is like?" Brooks asked, "That's all you want?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Report back to me."

Brooks nodded. "Gotcha." She said.

"I'll have Tina take over your job while you're gone." The boss said.

Brooks just nodded, taking off her apron and placing it next to her tray. "I'll be back soon." She said. "If I'm not back in an hour, assume I'm dead."

"Come on Brooks, it's just a tavern. That can't kill you, so take the rest of the day, really scope out the place."

Brooks smiled slightly. "I will." She said as she turned and started walking out of the kitchen and heading out of the restaurant. She looked over towards the hill, seeing the tavern up there. That wasn't there a day ago. She thought to herself, but she shrugged it off, and started to walk up the hill.

When she got up there, she looked at the sign. 'The Boar's Hat'

"What an interesting name." She muttered to herself. She opened the door and took a step in, seeing the place was almost full. "We may actually have some competition after all."

"It's just you?" A boy asked, he had bright green eyes and messy blond hair.

"Yeah." Brooks said.

"Follow me then." He said, walking over to the bar and showing her a seat, he went behind the bar.

So the kid works here. Brooks thought to herself. Seeing a teal haired waitress running around and taking orders, there was a pig walking around and eating the scraps, and there are other people too, a giant, by the looks of the footsteps outside. And in the kitchen, she could see a blue haired man cooking some food.

"So, what would you like?" He asked.

"Are you sure you're old enough to be serving this?" Brooks asked.

"Of course, I'm the owner of this place, so why wouldn't I be able to serve?"

Brooks looked at him, her eyes widening slightly. She didn't see that coming. "Oh." She muttered, she looked at him, "Well, then I'd like a glass of Siren's Ale, if you have it of course."

The boy looked at her, "I have it, but are you sure about that?" He asked. "That's some strong stuff, they say only nymphs can handle it without passing out from one sip."

Brooks was now watching the people sitting at the tables. "I'll be fine." She said, not looking at him.

"If you're sure." He said.

Behind her, she could hear him preparing it, then she heard it be placed on the counter, and she absentmindedly grabbed it, listening to the men at the table in front of her. She took a sip of it, the rich taste entering her mouth.

The Siren's Ale was a drink that Nymphs made, despite what it's called. It's been aged for more years than a human can count, but to the Nymphs who make it, it seems like only a couple of years. She could feel the shock from the boy behind her as she took a sip, and nothing happened to her. She looked back at him with a smirk.

"Told you I could handle it." She smirked at his shocked expression, and looked around, watching the teal haired waitress fumble around. She needs help. Brooks thought to herself as she watched. The owner walked out from behind the bar and started serving.

"Hey little lady." Someone said, causing Brooks to be face to face to someone wearing heavy armor. "How are you doing?"

Brooks looked at him, he set off an unnerving feeling, and he was obviously drunk. Not to mention he was a Holy Knight. And she had some... Personal issues with Holy Knights. Why he would be in this pub, she had no idea, and why he was still here after seeing the Princess serve him, she couldn't even think of a reason. She knew the waitress was the Princess, it's hard to miss teal hair like that, and the earring she had hanging from her right ear.

"Why don't we leave this place. And I can see how far those legs go up."

Brooks looked at him calmly. Now, if they were in the resturant she worked at, she would politely tell them that she wasn't interested in him. But that was at the resturant, this was someone else's pub. She let a smile crawl on her face. "You want to see how far these legs go up?" She asked innocently tilting her head slightly.

The Holy Knight just smiled, thinking he would get her to go with them.

"I'll show you right here." As fast as she could, she kicked him in the cheek, easily knocking him to the ground and earning some stares from other people around her. "Oh, whoops. Think I kicked him to hard." She crouched down and poked his cheek. "He's out cold."

"Did that girl just knock out a Holy Knight with one kick?" Someone asked, pointing at Brooks as she kept poking the knight's cheek with a smile on her face.

People were quiet. And she looked up at them, straightening up as she brushed off her skirt. "Sorry. He was being a bit sleezy. One to many drinks, that's probably why he went so down easily." She looked up at the people. "If he wasn't drunk as hell, I wouldn't of been able to do that. The things alcohol does to you!"

That seemed to convince the people in the pub, but she could tell that the owner didn't believe her, along with the man in the kitchen, she could feel their skeptical gazes on her.

She would have to talk to them later.

Woo! Done with this chapter! I love this idea, and I'm really excited for this book! So, I hope you all enjoy it!

Also, holy shit guys! I'm almost at 300 followers! Thanks for all of your support guys, I really appreciate it!


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