Chapter 36

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Later that afternoon, Brooks was standing with the rest of the Zodiacs and Sins, preparing for a small celebration.

She saw Meliodas walking away with Cain, and she stood up from where she was sitting, following the two.

"You sure you don't want to stay for a drink or anything?" Meliodas asked.

"Thanks, but I won't trouble you any longer. Seeing you again is enough." Cain responded.

"Alright." Meliodas sighed.

"One last thing before I go, keep in mind that if you're seeing traces of Liz whenever you look at that princess eh- well um, never mind." Cain stopped what he was saying and turned around, "Until we meet again, Meliodas."

"Take care of yourself!" Meliodas called after the old man.

Brook waited until Meliodas walked away before she moved out of the shadows. "Hey, Cain, wait up!" She called, causing the old man to stop and look behind himself.

"Waterlily?" The old man asked, his voice cracking slightly.

Brooks laughed. "Think again, Old Man." She said, and after a second, the look of shock disappeared from his face and he gave the half-nymph a smile.

"Brooks. It's been quite a long time." He greeted.

"Same to you. You've gotten older." She told him with a smug look on her face.

"And you don't look a day under 20." Cain responded.

"I'm flattered." Brooks mused. "But, I just couldn't let you leave again without saying goodbye, now, could I?" Brooks told him.

"The last time you left without saying goodbye to me was 30 years ago." Cain joked.

"Well, it's been a rough 30 years. I would of come and visited sooner... but now... I guess I can't." She sighed, then shook her head. "But, best not to dwell on the past. Until next time, my king." She gave him and exaggerated bow before straightening back up and watching him bow just as exaggeratedly back.

"Until next time, Princess Brooks." Cain replied, then turned back around and started to walk away.

With an amused smile on her face, she turned around and headed back to the pub.

Once she got back, she saw that everyone had started to drink, and she looked around at the two groups mingling and enjoying themselves.

Gabriel was floating near King and Diane, having a conversation with them, while Tut, Sierra, Ban and Meliodas were starting a drinking contest. Gowther and Caspar were sitting silently next to each other, watching the four down alcohol like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh, commander, you're back!" Aria exclaimed, looking over at Brooks with a small smile, a faint blush on her cheeks and a cup of alcohol in her hand.

"Let me guess, Vivian's getting you to drink?" Brooks asked, and she chuckled slightly when Aria gave her a tiny nod. "Well, don't drink too much. We don't want another even like last time happening, 'Kay Rammy?" Aria just nodded again, walked back to where Vivian was sitting, plopping down next to the energetic girl.

With a sigh, Brooks walked over to the table where he alcohol was and poured herself a mug of Siren's Ale.

"Heey guys! You won't believe this! Our buddy Gowther was actually able to pick out King by his BO!" Ban slurred.

"Along with his bone structure and tone." Gowther added monotonously.

"Really?" Diane asked.

"You recognized him by his... smell?" Elizabeth asked.

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