Chapter 16

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As the sun started to set, Brooks and the other Zodiacs settled themselves down in the tavern, each of them having a blanket over themselves in makeshift spots where they were each sleeping.

Brooks stared up at the ceiling, her hands under head head as she listened to the commotion above her. Mainly King complaining about why he had to sleep in the same room as Ban.

Soon, it was quiet, and the light leaking down from the stairs left Brooks and the other zodiacs in darkness.

"Any of you asleep?" Gabriel asked.

"I'm not." Brooks responded quietly, along with the responses from Tut and Aria.

"So I'm assuming you guys feel that power?" They asked, and everyone sat up, the only sound a rustling of blankets.

"Of course, there are two others near by." Tut said. And he stood up, walking towards the window and looking out of it. "We'll be adding two more to the group very soon."

"Yeah. I feel you're right, Tut." Brooks said, walking up to look out the window beside him. As she was looking out, she saw a blur of purple fabric in the corner of her eye, and she knew immediately who it was.

"I think we might be seeing more of our friends before the sun rises." She said, moving away from the window and walking over to the bar.

Jumping behind the counter, she made her way into the back room, leaning against the storage room doorframe as she looked down at two familiar figures.

"Never thought it would be this easy to find you two. But it looked like we didn't even need to go looking."

The two figures looked up at Brooks as she said that, a wide grin spreading on one of their faces while the on their one only had a spark of recognition.

"Commander!" They said together, with the grinning one jumping up and tackling Brooks to the ground with a hug.

"Hey! Hey!" Brooks exclaimed between laughs, "Get off me 'ya big lump!" She pushed off the girl who tackled her.

"Commander. It's good to see you." The other one said, holding out his hand and helping Brooks up.

"Thanks Caspar." Brooks said, dusting off her skirt. She looked t the two people in front of her, a smiling ginger haired woman with her hair in sphere like sections, with a semi-hooked end, it looked like the tail of a scorpion.

She had on a familiar purple dress, a four pointed star looking symbol was on the front, connecting from the neckline to a small slit in the front of the dress, and due to how short it was, she had on some black shorts. Her purple eyes were shining and her scorpion tail-like hair was swaying behind her head as if it had a mind of it's own.

the man next to her was taller than the both of them, with black hair covering one of his eyes. Her had a hooded cloak over his torso, and baggy black pants held up with a golden belt. He could almost look human if it weren't for the horns coming out of his head.

"Well, Caspar, Sierra, I think we need to explain some things to you two."

"We?" Caspar asked, tilting his head slightly.

Brooks looked at him, slightly amused, "You're not the only one who I've found."

She walked into the main room, seeing that the others had already turned on the lights and set up a table. Tut had already poured them some drinks, despite the fact that they all had already celebrated with more than enough drinks earlier that day.

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