Chapter 45

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With a glow around his hands Leander summoned his Zodiac weapon, a pair of clawed brass knuckles. "I'll get the two in the white armor. Liah; you go for the one in the red armor, and Vivian; You'll get the last one!" He commanded.

"Aye aye Leander!" Liah exclaimed. "This is why you're second in command!"

With that, the three of them lunged at their assigned enemies, fighting one on one and two on one.


Liah reached her hand out in front of her and the gravity around her immediately increased, plunging her enemy into the ground.

"You think a little gravity can beat me?" The Knight asked, an aura surrounding him and the gravity soon balancing out. "Hope you'll understand the gravity of the situation."

"Oof. Gravity puns? Man, you're lame." Liah muttered, sticking her tongue out, a look of mock disgust appearing on her face. "That wasn't even good. I'm not even fazed." She shrugged, and hey eyes glowed purple for a second and the rubble behind her lifted up into the air— hovering for a split second before being flung straight towards the Knight.

Of course, the fight wasn't going to end that easily. The knight activated his ability and immediately the rocks crashed to the ground.

With a grin, Liah's eyes glowed again, the rocks in front of her- as well as behind her lifted up once more. "Is that your only trick?" She asked. "Come on, you have to be able to do better than only gravity manipulation. It's really weighing me down!"

The Knight in front of her growled "You'll never beat me- the mighty Grvitator!" his eyes darting from one rock to the other before he grabbed his weapon—A long sword— and sliced through each of the rocks as they fell towards him.

"Man, are you a general or something, you're strong~" Liah teased. "But I'm getting tired." She lifted up a couple more rocks and used her gravity manipulation to cause them to fall on the knight at inhuman speeds. Unfortunately he wasn't able to deflect them and was crushed by the multiple boulders.

"What a shame. Guess what they say is true. All talk, no fight." She sighed, then looked towards the others, "I wonder how those two are doing."


On the other side of the field, Vivian was battling with a blue armor clad Holy Knight, scales adorning his attire and a trident in his hands.

"Oh! A trident! I know someone who uses one of those!" Vivian exclaimed, "She's really good with it too!" Summoning her wings, she lifted up in the air —just barely dodging an attack from the knight. "Though you seem a little slow. Too bad. And here I though you'd be able to keep your head toda- AHG!" In the middle of her speaking, a splash of water hit Vivian in the middle of her face.

The knight in front of her was glaring at her through his helmet, his trident aimed straight at her with drops of water dripping to the ground.

"Rude! You didn't let me finish!" The ravenette fumed, "That's really ruffled my feathers! You're gonna be sorry!" Holding her hand out, she summoned her staff and lunged towards the Knight.

One on one, the two fought. Trident clashed with staff, neither of the two letting up during the fightning. Widening her eyes, they glowed blue for a second.

Two more hits then I go for the gut. The knight's voice rang in her head. She grinned.

"One. Two- now!" He muttered to himself, aiming his trident —sharp points forwards— straight towards her gut. But Vivian was ready.

Moving her staff, she blocked the move with ease before moving her staff in a way to knock the trident out of the man's hands- leaving his defenseless. "Look at that. And I only had to use my ability once!" She giggled, raising her staff straight above her head and then brining it down onto the Knight's head, hearing a satisfying crack sounding from his skull.

"That was so easy! These nights are so much weaker than when we were in command!"

In the middle of the field, Leander was up against the two Knights, cold mists surrounding their hands and feet.

"You'll have to get through us if you want to beat Hendrickson!" They said together.

"Ah, really?" Leander asked, a grin making it's way to his face. "That's how I thought it would be." He lunged forewords without another thought and got close to the two knights before he realized he was stuck.

Looking down, he noticed ice at his feet, and his grin got bigger. "You think a little ice will stop me?"

"Oh, it's not just any ice." The male of the two knights stated.

"This ice only melts with something that's millions of times hotter than the sun!" The Female of the two continued.

"So there's no way you're getting out of that!" The finished in sync.

"Ye of such little faith." Leander stated with a sigh, his feet starting to glow red from under the ice and steam raising up. "You're underestimating me. Now, if it were a billion times hotter than the sun, then we might of had a problem." As he talked, waves of heat radiated off of him, his feet now glowing a brilliant pure white with no traces of other colors the in glow.

"W-what? How?" They asked, looking at Leander in shock as the ice around his feet melted into a puddle of ice before evaporating.

"I really stuck myself with a bad pair, didn't I?" Leander asked, the glow on his feet dying down and flames starting to grow around his hands. "Well, at least this will be done quick. Quicker battles are normally better." With that, he lunged at the two and punched them straight in the faces, watching as they flung back into the courtyard wall, smoke rising up form the burns on their faces.

"That was easy." Leander said, glancing towards the other two as they had just finished up their own battles as well. "Looks like we can move onto bigger and better things than dealing with some low tier Holy Knights. His eyes moved over to where the sorceress Holy Knight was floating in the air, watching the battles with nothing showing from the mask she hid her face with. "I think we'd better see how everything else is going."

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