Chapter 35

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Lunging forwards, the tattoos on Vivian's back shifted slightly and large black wings emerged from her back. Pulling away at the last minute as the creature swiped at her.

"Feathery wings..." Meliodas muttered to himself, just loud enough for Brooks to hear.

Turning her attention back to Vivian, Brooks watched as the girl swooped close towards the monster, landed an earth encrusted punch at one of the heads, and moved back and out of range as the monster moved to attack. just as she was about to attack again, a cold mist left one of the monster's mouths, freezing one of Vivian's wings and causing the girl to fall to the ground.

Brooks lunged forwards and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Man, that could've been bad, thanks commander." Vivian said with a sigh.

Looking up, Brooks saw black flames rising up from the demon. Both Ban and Meliodas head seemed to recover from the shock and both grabbed weapons. Vivian, too, had her gaze set on the fire.

"I haven't see black flames like those in years." She murmured. Shaking her head from the thought, she stepped out of Brook's arms and shook out her wings- the frost falling to the ground and leaving her wings a little damp. "No time for thinking about the past now." Opening her wings wider, she pressed down and flung herself towards the monster as Meliodas was doing the same, a sword covered in black flames in his hand.

It seemed like both of them were about to land a double strike that would of killed the monster together, but just before they did, they both hesitated.

"Hurry up and finish them off, you two!" Ban shouted.

"Vivian, Meliodas, watch out!" Brooks shouted right after, watching as the monster grabbed onto Vivian and Meliodas, taking advantage of their hesitance.

"Damn, I'm coming Vi!" Brooks shouted, her braids raising slightly from a wind starting to whip around her and cause her to hover. Though before she could fling herself towards the creature, a beam of light appeared and struck the monster in the chest.

"A light arrow? This is your chance Ban!" King shouted from above Brooks, and she watched as Bon raised a whip and grabbed both Meliodas and Vivian out of the monsters grasp, pulling the two to a safe distance.

"What's the matter with you two!" Ban scolded, "You could've destroyed it!"

"I just heard him say something." Meliodas explained.

"The Holy Knight... He's still alive in there!" Vivian shouted, sprinting to her feet and staring at the creature with a mixture of determination and seriousness on her face. This was a rare expression for Vivian to have.

"Like that really matters, just kill him already!"

"I'm not killing an innocent being!" Vivian shouted, looking at Ban with her eyes watering.

At that, Brooks knew exactly what got Vivian was feeling at that moment. As Gowther walked up to the three in front of Brooks, she thought back to when she first met Vivian.

"What are you doing here in this forest alone?" A younger looking Brooks asked.

"I could say the same for you." A younger Vivian retorted. The tips of her hair were blonde, and it seemed as if it originally used to be that color. Though something about the girl was off, Brooks could sense it. Thinking about it, she wasn't at all like the excitable Vivian Brooks knew now, she was more serious, angelic

"I'm looking for powerful people for my group." Brooks responded, a smile gracing her features.

"Group? Well, I won't be of any use. I'm not really that loyal. And I don't really think I'd be accepted."

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