Chapter 30

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"You Heartless Gorgons." She seethed. "I could of let you two away with only minor injuries, but this. This. Is too far. You've hurt a friend, you've personally injured someone of the royal family, and your biggest mistake." She let out a laugh, and her tone turned to deadly ice, "Is that you've hurt someone who I am connected to. For that. You're going to pay.

Now back to your regularly scheduled chapter!

"What do you mean, connected to?" Guila asked, though Brooks didn't respond. Behind her, dark purple rays were emitting from the gem Meliodas was trapped in, and she heard the crystal shatter. It wasn't long until Meliodas was standing right next to her, though he was different. His stare was vacant and there were swirling black markings down his right side. Not to mention that the power radiating off of him was intimidating, even for Brooks.

Looking in front of her at the two knights, they seemed to be recoiling in pain. And Brooks watched as the sword was taken from Guila's hand -along with her hand. She screamed in pain, holding her arm.

With a single swipe of his sword, both of the knights were thrown back, Guila's hand landing near Jericho, and Guila laying on the ground, seeming to be almost dead. Running over, Jericho casted a recovery spell, and both of them seemed to be back in peak condition.

"I though it was impossible for anyone to break out of the goddess amber!" Jericho exclaimed.

"That's not my area." Guila responded. "Though those two over there are giving off disturbing amounts of dark energy.

"Aw, that's no fair. You should let me have some fun too." Brooks mused. She could feel the twin braids in her hair start to unravel, her hair flowing behind her in waves. Her fingers and feet tingled, along with the sides of her neck. From the view of anyone watching, it was obvious that she was turning more amphibian like, fins growing between her fingers, her hair flowing almost like water behind her back, and gills forming on the sides of her neck.

In a nearby forest, a man felt the dark energies, one of them foreign, another one all too familiar. "Commander, you've gotten to that point again. Haven't you?" He said, his voice low. At that, he stood up, and moved quickly towards the source, a bow held securely in his hand and a quiver of arrows slung over his back.

Back at the battle scene, both Brooks and Meliodas broke out of the dust, flinging themselves towards the two knights. The blank look still on Meliodas' face while Brooks had on a wide toothy grin, revealing the razor sharp teeth that looked capeable of tearing anything apart easily.

Ban tried to stop Meliodas, but was thrown away almost been torn in two. After that Meliodas veered off towards Elizabeth while Brooks kept flinging herself towards the two Knights.

"You Hell Knights have better be prepared!" She laughed, in her voice held a mixture of euphoria and amusement, making her sound completely insane. "Because you're not going to survive this!" Bloodlust radiated off of her in waves, causing the two of them to stand back in fear.

"What... are you?" Guila asked, her voice trembling.

"Me?" Brooks asked, "I'm your worst nightmare. I guess it's good that we were forgotten." Her eyes narrowed into an icy glare and her toothy smile widened, "Your worst nightmares are best forgotten after all." She looked over to her side -knowing all to well that both of the woman in front of her were too scared to move, much less attack her- and saw Ban standing near Elizabeth and holding an injured King in his hands. Brooks' heightened hearing easily able to catch what the girl was saying.

"Sir Meliodas. Lady Brooks!" Elizabeth said, her voice slightly raised before Ban covered her mouth.

"Keep it down." Ban whispered to her, "The two of you can still run, right? This is really messed up."

"Sir Ban..." Elizabeth started. "You'd abandon Sir Meliodas and Lady Brooks?"

In a flash, Ban grabbed onto Princess Elizabeth and took off, vanishing from Brooks' sight as he kept running.

Looking to her other side, Brooks saw Griamore holding Veronica, and she started to walk over to them, only to be stopped by an explosion set off right in front of her.

"Take one more step, monster." Guila seethed.

"What an annoyance." Brooks said, she raised her hand and aimed it towards the two of them, "I think you'd be much quieter underwater." Just as water started creeping out of the bottles around her waist, there was a sharp pain in her outstretched arm. Looking at the source, Brooks noticed an arrow sticking out of her arm, silver blood dripping onto the grass underneath.

In front of her Guila and Jericho looked relieved. "Looks like someone's come to our aid." Jericho stated.

The bushes nearby started to rustle, and Brooks felt a familiar power. She was too into the fight to notice it before, but now she knew exactly who it was.

"Looks like it's that time again, Commander." A smooth voice said, and a man stepped out of the bushes. Brown hair covered his eyes, and he looked mostly human, apart from the horse ears sticking out of his head.

The man that had walked up to the three seemed to be the one who had shot the arrow, as hinted by to the quiver strapped to his back and the bow in his hands.

"Who are you?" Jericho asked the newcomer, getting ready to attack him.

"Hm? You mean to say you don't remember me? Ah, maybe because I'm in this form." There was a puff of smoke, and once it cleared, the two knights took steps back in shock.

The man's lower half had changed, and it was now obvious what he was. A centaur.

"Commander, you need to calm down." The man said, walking over to Brooks. "Veronica and your father wouldn't of wanted this."

At that, Brooks froze, and it didn't take long for her to start turning more human-like. Her hair laid flat on her back, her gills disappeared, her teeth turned back to normal, and finally the fins between her fingers receded back into her skin. "Sage." She said, her voice hoarse. "Thanks."

The centaur, Sage, smiled softly. "I think you have someone to see." He motioned towards the dead princess and the mourning Holy Knight. "I'll take care of these two."

Brooks smiled, and stood up, she pulled the arrow from out of her arm and handed it back to Sage. "Here, I don't think you want to loose any of your arrows."

Sage smiled, and took the arrow, "Thanks, Commander."

As Brooks walked towards the two she saw Griamore move protectively over Veronica's body, his eyes glinting from under his helmet.

"I'm not going to cause any more harm." Brooks said, a calmness in her voice that nobody would expect coming from her. She slowly moved closer to the two, until she was a couple steps away from them. She didn't want to risk anything with the knight, so she just knelt down where she was standing.

"What are you doing?" Griamore asked defensively.

"I can't mourn over a relative?" Brooks asked quietly, looking up at Griamore with sad eyes.

"A relative?" He asked. "I've never heard of you-"

Brooks cut him off, just shaking her head slowly. "Of course you wouldn't. I wasn't in any of the history books." She placed her hand to her head as a wave of light headedness washed over her. Looking behind her, she saw a giant part of the earth was pulled up, floating over a small area.

Not even seconds later, it crashed down, causing the ground underneath her to shake. Diane must of gotten her Sacred treasure. She thought with a smile, just before she closed her eyes. Man am I tired. The last thing she knew, she had hit the ground, the world disappearing from her senses.

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