Chapter 46

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As Sierra, Cabie, and Tut met up with Leander, Liah, and Vivian the Holy Knights the three had defeated started to convulse.

"Oh gods, What did you three do to these guys?" Sierra asked.

"Nothing, we just beat them to a pulp." Liah answered.

Looking at the three, Leander's eyes widened, "Step back!" He exclaimed, jumping back himself as the Knights in front of them started to bubble up.

"Holy shit, they're turning into demons." Vivian gasped.

In front of them, the knights, or demons now, were standing tall, the passed out knights embedded in their chests as the demon's let out a loud roar.

"Quick! We'll have to kill these creatures before they go on a rampage and endanger any remaining villagers!" Leander commanded.

"Right!" The others exclaimed.

Leander didn't need to say anything more, instead he lunged towards a yellow and green demon, his hands being engulfed in flames as he started to fight.

Sierra soon followed suit in attacking one of the other demons, getting the whip from her hair and swinging it around. Water surrounded the scorpion tail-like end and she hit it with all the strength she had, watching as it slightly stumbled back before roaring angrily.

"Damn, these things are strong." She uttered out. "Normally a hit like that would knock someone out of commission. Then again, this is a demon."

"Would you like some help, sis?" Cabie asked, appearing next to Sierra and looking at the demon with a mixture of boldness and nervousness on his face.

"Never needed it more."

Tut looked towards the remaining demon. An icy blue one that had two knights in it's chest. "Well, I'd better join in, shouldn't I?" He asked, a excited grin appearing on his face as he gripped his battle axe a bit tighter before

Back where Brooks was with Ophion, she felt unnerving amounts of demonic energy coming from the village. From her companion beside her, she knew he felt it as well.

"Sssomethings going close by. Sssomething demonic." He stated before hurrying through the caves.

"Ophion!" Brooks exclaimed out of surprise, picking u her own pace as she followed the serpent-like man through the cave system. Taking twists and turns that were new to her as they made their way through the dimly lit caves.

"-unlike the red demon, this one's blood will bring instant death to any soul unlucky enough to receive it."

Rounding a corner, Brooks's eyes widened as she saw some of the sins standing in front of Hendrickson, who was a bit too close to the corpse of a gray demon.

"I have a theory of sorts, the body that is compatible with the magical power of it's kinsmen—the red demon— is the one that can tolerate the reaction to it's blood.

"He'sss correct." Ophion hissed from beside Brooks. "And that, that isss-"

"The gray demon who's corpse was discovered here many years ago. Isn't it amazing? There's so much we don't know about the demons that came here before us. However, as for this particular specimen, I know it is a race far superior to it's red brethren." Hendrickson injected something into his arm.

"Sssoul... tainted." Ophion said from Brooks' side, loud enough to get the attention of the others. "You're a mad one, Holy Knight Hendrickssson."

Hendrickson started to shout out in pain, his body convulsing as the blood ran through his system. A second later, the man started to glow before he became steady, a sadistic grin on his face.

Running forwards, Ban made a move to attack Hendrickson.

"Wait!" King exclaimed.

"Don't do it!" Meliodas shouted.

"It'sss Sssuicide." Ophion uttered, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Upon contact with Ban's weapon, Hendrickson started to glow. The brilliant white light flooding the cave they were in, and Ban's legs fell to the ground, his entire upper body gone.

"We need to get out of here!" Brooks shouted upon seeing the gray skinned Hendrickson. "Now!"

"What about Ban?" King asked.

"Leave him. He's already gone." Brooks choked out. The bottom half of what used to be ban was still laying motionless on the ground. There was no way he was going to recover from an injury like that—even if he were immortal. "We need to warn everyone that's nearby! If we don't—"

"It will be a blood bath." Ophion finished.

Though they weren't able to move, due to Hendrickson creating a blast that flung everyone towards the surface.

Landing roughly on the ground, she looked to see Holy Knights surrounding the area, her eyes meeting with some of her teammates.

"Commander! What's going on?!" Tut asked, catching her gaze.

Brooks looked at him with a dark gaze, "A bloodbath."

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