Chapter 11

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Looking around, Brooks realized that she had been separated from the rest of the group, standing alone in the feild of giant green crystals.

Shoving her hands in her skirt pockets, she started to walk, deciding it would be best if she found her friends before anything happened to them.

Brooks, my darling, you're going the wrong way.

A male voice made it's way to Brook's ears and she stopped in her tracks. The voice was so familiar.

'Behind you.'

Turning around, Brooks saw some orbs of light, watching as they moved closer to her and a figure appeared. A man with neatly groomed black hair was falling slightly into his deep blue eyes.

Brooks was overcome with emotion, and she ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him. It felt weird, like he was there, but he also wasn't there. After a minute or two, she pulled away.

"Look at you. You're all grown up." He said then he smirked, "Find any boys? Do I have grand children? Great grandchildren?"

"Dad! Stop!" Brooks exclaimed, her cheeks heating up.

"Aw, don't tell me you never settled down." He pouted.

"Of course not. My sister on the other hand-"

"So I do have great grandchildren?!" He asked, his excitement returning. "And from our sister no less!"

"More like great, great, great grandchildren." Brooks muttered. "Actually, one of them is here now- wait, you would of known if you had grand children because they would be here!"

"I know... But... Brookie. I really wanted you to have some."

"You're like a child, I swear." Brooks whispered to herself.

"And who's here!? And why are you here?!" He seemed to realize that Brook shouldn't be here unless she was dead. "You can't be dead!" He shouted, his eyes watering.

"I'm not dead." Brooks muttered, "Actually, I'm on a quest to stop the Hell Knights."

Her dad turned serious, all playfulness from before vanishing into thin air. "They're back?" He asked.

Brooks nodded glumly, "Yeah. And after the ...incident, we were thrown out of the kingdom because the ones who did it framed us."

"Those bastards." Her father said. "How dare they-"

"Dad! It's fine. They didn't know I was your daughter! I promise!"

"But the daughter of the King-"

Brooks looked at him, "I know. But, I'm the daughter of the King and a water nymph. Back then, that was taboo. Forbidden. I couldn't of claimed myself as your daughter, they wouldn't... You know."

She heard a sigh, and felt a strange feeling on her shoulder, looking over, she saw that her father's hand was placed there. "I know you'll defeat them just like I heard you did the last time."

Brooks looked at him, a smile on her face. "Of course. And there are more people with us. The Sins and the Zodiacs will unite to defeat the Hell Knights. We just have to find everyone after parting ways."

"Now that you mention it, I have seen some familiar faces around here, though they haven't been dead, since I can see them even if I'm not trying to."

"No way! Who?" Brooks asked, her eyes widening.

"It's those twins. The two that represent that one sigh, Geni? Gemin?"

"You mean Gemini?" Brooks asked. "Where?"

"I don't know, they usually just wonder around talking to each other." He started to fade away, a smile on his face. "Seems like I can't talk anymore. I'll see you someday, my princess."

Brooks smiled warmly as she watched him fade away, some tears rolling down her cheeks. Once he was gone, Brooks took a deep breath and closed her eyes, reaching out most of the Necropolis, far behind her, she felt Aria and Tut, they were moving towards her, though to her left, she felt two energies that were almost identical.

She had found them.

Hey sinners! Sorry for the shortish chapter, I'm currently working on other stories.

Someone from the background: WORK ON THIS ONE!

Me: nO. *cries internally*

Anyways, Enjoy this chapter and I hope to update the next one soon!!


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