Chapter 27

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"The finals round of the Viazel Fighting Festival is finally upon us!" Love Helm shouted. "It's been a parade of outrageous characters this year! And this fight will feature the cream the the crop!"

"Wait here a sec." Diane said, looking down at Elizabeth who was in her hands.

"We need to do something about the way the princess is dressed." Gabriel said, walking over to them.

"What do you mean?" King asked, looking up at them.

"Elizabeth, if you don't mind, could you hold your arms up for a second?" Gabriel asked, and she nodded.

Grabbing the fabric, Grabriel moved their hands in swift motions, the finished product being a dress, a thin bow tied in the back.

"Oh! Thank you, um..." She looked up at Gabriel, not knowing what to call them

"Just Gabriel is fine." They said, holding their hand up.

"Alright, thank you Gabriel!"

"I didn't know you could do that!" King exclaimed.

"I'm a person of many talents." Gabriel said, a smile on their face.

"They did design our outfits when were still out defending the kingdom." Brooks said, her arms held up behind her head. "They're pretty good."

"Both fighters, step into the ring!" Love Helm called, interrupting the conversation they were having.

Both Meliodas and Diane stepped up onto the arena, smiles on their faces.

"No matter what, one of them will get Diane's Sacred Treasure." Caspar observed.

"You're right." Brooks agreed, "But either way, this might be an interesting match."

From the other side of the arena, Brooks heard some squealing, seeing a group of girls looking at Meliodas.

"Over here Meliodaf!" One of them shouted. "Don't forget, we got some more naughty things to do tonight~"

"Hurry up and finish that girl up so we can have some fun~" One of the other girls whined.

Brooks sighed, "Man, even the woman are nasty."

It didn't take long after that for Diane to punch Meliodas into the ground, screaming about how he was a filthy womanizer.

"Matrona has started things off with a ferocious strike!" Love Helm shouted as the crowd cheered.

"I'm not gonna let you get away with any of your excuses today!" Diane shouted again, aiming another punch towards Meliodas, who easily dodged it, the breeze from the punch making his hair slightly move with the wind.

"Look, those girls have the wrong guy, I don't remember any of them." Meliodas stared, and beside her, Brooks heard Ban chuckle to himself, and she was slightly convinced that he had something to do with the situation.

Diane aimed another punch that was dodged, and jumped back. Not even a second after, Meliodas jumped forwards again, and the two threw punches at each other ferociously. Under them, the arena had cracked, and the rich that everyone was on, shook slightly.

Any more cracks, and this arena is going to fall apart. Brooks thought with a sigh, watching as the two continued to throw endless punches at one another. Until Diane threw a punch with more force than the last ones, a breeze blowing past Brooks as it cut through the air. The crowd was silently staring at the two, most likely because Meliodas had easily stopped the punch with his hand. A second later, the crowd started booing and shouting.

Though Brooks didn't have time to focus on the complaints of the crowd, there was something, or, more so someone strong coming this way. A dark feeling making it's way under Brooks' skin and making the hair on her neck stand on end. She noticed Ban and King step onto the arena and walk towards Meliodas and Diane, who were both looking towards where the dark energy was coming from.

"You feel that too, right Commander?" Sierra asked, her face serious for once and her eyes dark.

"Feel what?" Elizabeth asked from her place perched on Hawk's head.

Brooks just nodded, and looked around to the rest of her group, all of them seeming to have serious looks on their faces, even Tut had a frown on his face.

"My real identity is Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins!" Meliodas suddenly announced. "I'm Meliodas, the Dragon Sin!"

At those words, the crowd backed up, looking up at the group of Sins terrified.

"We're taking over Viesel! Everything here belongs to us, now!"

"Hold on." Hawk said from where he was standing. "What? Why'd that idiot tell them who he really is? Do you know what's going on Elizabeth?"

"I'm giving you less than one minute to clear out of this town, understand?" Meliodas shouted, holding one finger up in the air. "If you don't then we're going to kill you all!"

"You're not fooling anyone, you brat!" Someone from the crowd shouted, obviously not believing a single word Meliodas had just said.

"You don't look a thing like him!" Someone else from the crowd shouted in agreement.

"Wait." Another voice from the crowd rose up. "Given how strong they are, this might be true..."

"I don't understand." Elizabeth said, "What's gotten into the four of them?"

"Get the hell outta here!" Meliodas shouted angrily, causing the crowd to panic.

Though Brooks wasn't too focused on the screams, instead she was turned around, staring up at the sky with a dark look, a second later, hundreds of flaming balls made their way into view, crashing into the town and causing the ground to shake. A fireball was headed straight towards the rock the crowd was on, but just before it hit, it disappeared, and Brooks saw Meliodas in the air, his sword out in front of him. He landed on the ground in the same spot where he had been standing just minutes ago.

"Damn, they're here already?" Meliodas asked.

"Well Tut, Sierra." Brooks started, looking at the flying creatures above the arena. "Looks like you two will be fighting some Hell Knights sooner than I thought."

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