Chapter 38 (bonus pictures)

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— Back with the other Zodiacs —

"They should be here in one of these lakes." Caspar said monotonously, looking around at the multiple lakes in front of them.

"Yeah, but which one could it be? This who area is flooded with their magic power!" Tut complained.

"Oh! I've got an idea!" Sierra exclaimed.

"Is it a safe idea?" Aria asked from beside the ginger, who hesitated for a second before answering.

"Yeah... sure... it's safe." She told the pinkette. "Just... trust me on this."

Aria looked at Sierra, a slight look of fear showing in her eyes, bu she didn't say anything, instead she let out a sigh and took a small step back.

"Kinda wish Commander was here to help me with this." She muttered cracking he knuckles and reaching her hands out in front of her. A moment later the ground started to shake slightly, and in front of the group the lake in front of them rose up into the air, and they could see all the fish and freshwater inhabitants swimming around in the floating water, some of them swimming out of the area and landing in the damp lakebed below, flopping about.

"What's this going to help us with?" Tut asked, looking up at the floating lake.

"I'd assume it's to see if either Pandora or Cabie are in this lake." Caspar answered blandly.

"Oh, I get it!" Vivian exclaimed, generating large black wings from her back and lifting up from the ground. "I'll look up top!"

"Be quick! I don't know how much longer I can hold this!" She shouted.

Vivian smiled and gave a two finger salute before flying to the top of the floating lake. A minute to two her head poked out from the top and she shook her head. "Nope! Not here!"

"Alright, step back everyone." Sierra warned, and not even a second later the water splashed back into the lakebed. "Guess we should check the others."

Five lakes later, Sierra was sitting at the sixth, and last lake. "If they're not in here, there has to be an underground system they're hiding in." She laid back and closed eyes."

"Who's hiding?" A voice asked, and Sierra groaned.

"Pandora and Cabie."

"Sierra, I suggest you open your eyes." Gabriel stated, a small smile on their face.

"Why?" Sierra asked, sitting up and looking in front of her, seeing a young looking girl staring back at her, emerald eyes staring up.

"Hey Sierra~" The girl greeted, a wide smile on her face.

"Pandora!" Sierra shouted.

Pandora disappeared back into the water only to reappear a second later, this time jumping out. A long green tail followed her torso, until she emitted a white glow and her tail formed into two legs, allowing her to land on her feet. Other than the fish-like fins coming out from behind her ears, the gills on the side of her neck, and the black Pieces mark on her cheek, she would of looked completely human.

"Good to see you all. When I saw the lakes rising, I thought it was a Holy Knight. Of course, that was before I decided to realize who's power I was feeling. By the way, where's Commander?"

The group looked at her, their gazes slightly darkening.

"A Holy Knight got her and transported her to the castle along with Princess Elizabeth and Hawk." Aria explained.

"What? Is she alright?" Pandora asked with concern.

"She should be, of course. She knows every nook and cranny of that castle." Tut told her, a toothy grin on his face.

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