Chapter 40

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Brooks looked behind her to see Elizabeth staring at her with confusion on her face.

"Oh, Elizabeth, I kinda forgot you were warped here with me." Brooks muttered. "Yeah, I used to be a princess, In fact, this room used to be my older sisters, of course, she preferred to be separated from the rest of the castle at times. Despite her being the queen."

"Lady Brooks... does that mean you're my-"

Brooks looked back at Elizabeth, "Not by blood, but I guess I would be something like your Great Great Great Aunt."

"Wow... I never knew. Why weren't you in the history books?"

"Why?" Brooks looked down at the King, who was listening quietly. "Back when I was a kid, interspecies mixing was frowned upon, and even though father was the king, the townsfolk wouldn't hesitate to exile him and raise a new ruler. My little sister and I were unfortunate enough to inherit nymph blood. My older sister, while she looked like a nymph and had the lifespan of one, she had no physical indicators of her being one. She looked completely human. Tell me, what do the history books say?"

"From what I remember it talked about Queen Ashlynn and Princess Veronica, who had been assumed killed when a nymph impersonated her." Elizabeth responded. She gasped, and a hand was placed over her mouth in horror. "You don't mean to tell me-"

"Princess Veronica wasn't impersonated. She was going through puberty, and her nymph features were starting to show. Gills on her neck, fins, her eyes had changed from amber to blue... Holy knights found her as she was in her more nymph like form and they... they killed her." She clenched her fist, and took a breath to keep her voice from shaking. "But, it's best not to dwell on that. The past is in the past, right." With a sigh, she stepped away from the king's bed. "I shouldn't stay here any longer. Elizabeth, you want to come with me or stay with your father?"

"I'm going to stay with my father, if that's alright, Lady- or, Aunt Brooks."

Brooks chuckled. "Brooks is just fine, Princess." She said, and with those words, she walked over to the wall and opened up the secret passageway. And now, it's time to fight.

Once out of the castle, Brooks looks around to see that the fighting had already started.

"Commander! There you are! I'm glad you're safe!" A voice exclaimed and Brooks looked to see Aria running up to her with Liah and Leander behind her. "These two told me that the Holt knight transported you away again! I was worried!"

Brooks chuckled and paced a hand on Aria's head. "Thanks for your concern, but you should know that I can handle myself, Rammy."

Aria smiled. "I told the other's to start fighting any Holy Knigh they see. It seems the Sins are doing the same."

"Good call, that's why you're a good second in command." Brooks told her a smile on her face, "What do you say about joining in? You two as well."

Aria nodded, "Of course, Commander!" Then her eyes widened like she remembered something. "Right, I have this for you." Grabbing a small bottle that was in her pocket, she handed it to Brooks. "You'll need these to wake them, correct?"

Brooks took the bottle, and nodded. "Yes. Thank you Aria. Now, you three go join in the fight, I'll get to work awakening them." After those words, the four went in different directions.

A distance away, Gabriel was floating beside King, staring down at some magic knights with his usual close eyed expression. Behind him, Diane was leaning against a building, passed out from all the damage she took. Just a minute before, king had destroyed the smaller ice shards heading her way.

"Well, the fairy King graces us with his presence." A green haired Holy Knight stated, looking up at the two with one eye. "Along with one of the Zodiacs. How thrilling."

"Isn't that-" Howzer started.

"The Sin Of Sloth and the Zodiac Gemini, King and Gabriel?" Guila finished.

"Who did this?" King asked, landing on the ground in front of the holy knights. "Who did such terrible things to Diane? Was it you? Or you?!" King asked, looking at Howzer and Guila.

"It wasn't them. Those two... we're protecting me." Diane forced out, causing Gabriel to look behind their shoulder towards the weakened giant.

Gabriel watched as King walked up to Howzer and started to punch the man's armor.

"King. Now's not the time for an emotional breakdown." Gabriel stated, landing behind the smaller fairy and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Aw, look at that. He's crying. Just like that time when the Fairy King's forest burned down twenty years ago!" The green haired Knight exclaimed, aiming a blow with his sword towards King. "Or that time Seven Hundred years ago! And toady as well! Cause' the death of this giant girl will be on your hands!"

"Shut up!" King shouted, moving his spear with a flick of his wrist to send the Knight flying.

Taking the chance, Gabriel lunged up and wrapped their arms around the man's shoulders, holding him in mid air for e a second before they threw him down through a tower, watching as he crashed into the ground. Reaching their hand out, to their side, there was a glow in the palm of their hand, slowly extending into the shape of a sword.

"Well, it's been a while since I've seen that sword." The Holy Knight stated, looking up at Gabriel.

Gabriel opened their eyes, the duel colored orbs staring down at the man. "And you, It's been quite a while, hasn't it," Gabriels voice dissolved into two separate voices glowing and separating to form Gale and Grace, the sword had also separated, allowing both of them to hold one themselves. "Helbram."
I really wanted to draw the ended scene of this chapter as kinda of a fake screenshot, since I'ce always wanted to try to do one. I'm kinda proud of how it turned out, but I thought 'Why not share it?' So, here ya go sinners! (It took me like, 3 hours from start to finish ;-;)

 I'm kinda proud of how it turned out, but I thought 'Why not share it?' So, here ya go sinners! (It took me like, 3 hours from start to finish ;-;)

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