Chapter 6

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The tavern had closed, and Brooks was hanging out with Aria, sitting at the bar, Brooks having some ale and Aria having the thing the mayor ordered, but ran away before he could eat it.

By now, her hood was down, and Brooks could see the pale yellow horns curling out of the sides of her head.

"It's great to see you again." Brooks said with a smile.

Aria nodded, "Yeah, it's been what, about 100 years?" She asked.

"Yeah, long time, huh." She stated.

Aria nodded. "I've been working for that man for 10 years. I was tired of sitting around in hiding, I needed to get out." She placed her hand up to her horns, "Though, a couple people almost saw these. I'm glad nobody raised any alarm."

"That would of been more awkward than bad though." Brooks stated, "The Zodiacs have been forgotten."

Aria looked at her, "Forgotten?" She asked.

"Since the whole thing with these guys happened," She motioned to Meliodas, Ban, and Diane, "We've been wiped out of people's minds. But even a couple years before then we were a story people told to scare kids, a myth."

Aria had a hint of sadness in her eyes, then they sparked with determination, "Then we'll just have to make them remember us!" She looked at Brooks, "Wait, that reminds me, why are you looking for us the blond haired boy- I mean Meliodas, never mentioned anything, he just said something about needing me to go with him."

"Well, long story short, it's the Hell Knights." Hell Knights was Brooks name for the Holy Knights, it described what they can be when they've been corrupted with power. "They've become corrupted again, they've gotten stronger, seemingly overnight."

Aria looked thoughtful, "So, you're gathering us to stop them once and for all?"

"Well, with the help of the sins of course, even with our Constellation weapons, a head on attack with the Hell Knights is suicide." She looked at Aria, "That reminds me, where is your weapon?"

"Oh!" Aria said, clapping her hands together, "That's right, I placed it not too far from here. Hidden with some bushes! Let me go get it!" She stood up, and headed to the door.

"I'll come with you." Brooks said, "I know you can handle yourself, but it'll be nice to talk with a friend."

Aria looked at her and nodded. "Of course." She said.

The two walked out of the tavern, and into the small forest behind the tavern, Aria taking the lead. She climbed through bushes and over roots, until they reached a clearing, pale yellow and pink flowers scattered around it, and in the middle a large, dangerous looking joust was resting peacefully in the middle of the flowers, pale yellow with pink stripes.

Aria walked up to it, and picked it up with ease, despite it being double her size. She rested it over her shoulder, "Alright, I'm ready." She said.

"Great!" Brooks excaimed, "Let's head back to the Tavern."

The two headed back, and Aria rested her weapon against a table, sitting back down at the bar and finishing her food.

"Woah, what's this?" Ban asked, looking at it greedily.

"It's my Constellation Weapon." Aria responded simply. "You can try to steal it, though I doubt you'd have any luck."

"Don't mind if I do." Ban said, he placed his hands on the handle and pulled upwards, the weapon didn't move an inch. He kept trying, and the weapon would not move.

"Any luck?" Brooks asked, watching him with amusement, watching as Aria walked over and picked it up with ease/

"What the hell!?" Ban exclaimed, "How can you pick it up that easily!?"

"Because, it's my weapon. If anyone else but us try to pick up these, they won't move an inch." She giggled slightly. "So you have no chance in picking it up!"

Ban looked at her, amazed, Aria just looked over at Brooks, "You have any leads on the others?" She asked.

Brooks shook her head. "Nope. But, we'll feel their power if we get close. I doubt they strayed far from Leons."

Aria nodded. "Well, let's get moving then!"

"We'll rest up tonight, and start moving tomorrow. That work?"

"Yeah. Sounds good." Brooks said. "I wonder, who will we find next?"

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