Chapter 18

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After some time traveling, Brooks felt Hawk's mom suddenly stop, and the shack started to shake, Caspar calmly stood stable while Sierra stumbled a bit before falling to the ground.

"Ow..." she muttered, rubbing her back. "Why didn't you keep me up Cassy?" She asked.

"You seemed to be able to handle yourself." Caspar said, slight amusement on his face.

"You know I have no center of balance!" Sierra exclaimed, "I'm hurt!"

Caspar just shrugged and Brooks stood up from where she was sitting, reaching her hands above her in a stretch. And started Following the others outside.

"Where are we, Meliodas?" She asked.

"We're at a town called Vaizel." He replied "It's a merchant town."

"You really think it's really here?" Hawk asked.

Oh right... we're looking for Diane's weapon. We talked about this a while back... Guess I forgot. Brooks thought to herself.

"Not too long ago," Meliodas started, "One of our costumers said a hammer was brought in that was so big nobody could wield it, don't you remember?"

"So nobody could handle it?" Elizabeth asked.

"It could be Diane's." King stated.

"Aw, to hell with that." Ban said, walking up towards the group shirtless. "We gotta do something about my clothes." He whined.

"Just cover your six pack with an apron." Meliodas suggested, and Brooks heard Sierra start to giggle, snorting slightly as she did.

"That's not important now!" Diane exclaimed, thrusting her fists against the ground and causing the group to go flying. "Why do I have to stay at the bar?" She asked, tears seeming to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Look Diane, ever since a giant went wild at their festival a few years ago, they've all been banned from town. But we'll come right back as soon as we see what's up."

Diane started shaking her head, "It's gonna be boring!" She whined.

"You know, I think I'll stay behind too." Elizabeth stated, catching Brook's attention.

"What, really?" Diane asked.

"Yeah, I think it would be nice to have a little girl time for a change." Elizabeth responded, smiling up at her.

"Yeah, just us girls." Diane said, giggling.

"Wow, I suddenly feel like we've been forgotten." Brooks muttered.

"Aren't we girls too?" Aria asked, looking up at Diane.

"Of course you are." Elizabeth said.

"I dunno, Rammy, your chest says otherwise."

"Would you stop insulting me!" Aria shouted, her eyes watering, looking away and crossing her arms, Brooks herd her mutter about them not being that small.

Man, I sure missed this. She thought to herself, laughing slightly.

"It's been a while, huh?" Gabriel said, floating up next to Brooks.

"Yeah, I forgot how much I actually missed this." Brooks said.

"Okay!" Meliodas exclaimed, getting the attention on him. "Let's hit it!" He exclaimed, and the group started to head towards the town, leaving Elizabeth and Diane at the pub.

Once they entered the town, Brooks looked around at the people, all of them seeming to be trying to sell something.

"Dragon boy really wasn't kidding when he said that this was a merchant town." Tut stated, looking around with his hands in his pockets. "They really sell everything here, from fruit to deadly murder weapons."

"Captain, do we have to look thorough all this stuff?" Ban asked, and Brooks looked over at him, slightly amused at what he was wearing.

I can't believe he actually did it. Tut walked around shirtless all the time. She thought, covering her mouth as she held in a laugh.

"Let's go find an arms vendor." Meliodas said, apparently ignoring what Ban had said, and from the corner of her eye Brooks caught a green haired boy staring at them, though he didn't seem to move from where he was standing.

"Looking for something, son?" A man asked, and Brooks looked to see a drunk old man sitting on a barrel. "Or are you planning on being part of the festival?"

"Nah, we're trying to look for a weapon. A really big hammer." Meliodas replied. "We heard there might be one at this market."

"Ah, well, that's easy enough." The old man said as he stroked his beard. "Right there, behind that rock." He said, pointing."

"Alright, thank you." Meliodas said, and the group headed in the direction they were pointed in.


"Wow... that's one really big hammer." Tut said, staring up at the giant weapon once they got behind the rock.

"Well, it is a giant's weapon." Caspar stated.

"No duh." Sierra stated sarcastically.

"I guess it was here the whole time." Meliodas exclaimed.

"Now, how are we going to get this thing?" Brooks asked.

"I'd assume it has something to do with the festival." Aria said softly, and the group looked towards the gathering of people.

"I'd assume you're right." Brooks replied, a smile on her face.

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