Chapter 4

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Brooks woke up to the sun shining on her face. Rubbing her tired eyes, she looked around, seeing that she was still on the giant green pig. Yawning, she stood up, stretching. Waking up a bit, she felt a ping of familiar energy. One of her friends was close.

Walking inside the pub, she noticed that people were already up, Ban was cooking a breakfast, Meliodas was leaning against the counter, and Diane was walking beside the pig, Brooks assumed she was walking for Most of the night.

"Morning." Brooks said. "Are we stopping soon?"

Meliodas nodded, "Yes. It's a small village not to far from where we are now."

"Cool." Brooks said. She sat down at the bar, she looked over at Ban. Who was walking out of the kitchen with plates.

"Foods ready." He said.

"Smells good." Brooks stated as a plate was placed in front of her. She started to eat as the others did so too. Brooks listening to their small talk. Mostly Meliodas talking with Elizabeth and Ban teasing the two. Brooks was reminded of her old team, and a small smile crept onto her mouth.

Suddenly, the pig stopped, and everyone stopped eating.

"We're here." Meliodas announced. "I suggest we all head to the land, we don't want to be in here while Hawk's mom does her thing."

The others nodded and they headed out of the tavern, Brooks following them. She watched as each of them jumped down, or, Ban and Meliodas jumped down, Elizabeth was helped down by Diane. Brook was the last on on the ground, landing lightly. She turned and watched as the giant pig, or Hawk's mom, buried herself in the ground, leaving only the tavern standing sturdily bone the ground. It was if Hawk's mom was never there.

"Well, let's get to work! Diane, go work on getting food for us, Ban, start cooking, Elizabeth, get ready to serve, and Brooks, go get some customers!"

Meliodas handed Brooks some papers, "Hand those out, okay?"

Brooks nodded. "Got it!" She exclaimed.

"Alright everyone! Let's get moving!" Meliodas exclaimed.

Everyone nodded and headed off in separate directions. Brooks headed off to the town, the familiar power getting closer each step she took towards the village.

When she was inside the village, the first thing she noticed was the large, mansion-like house. When she looked around at the other houses, she found that it was extremely out of place here. She saw a villager not to far off and walked up to her.

"Hey, I'm not from around here, do you mind telling me who own's that house over there?" She asked.

The villager looked at Brooks, then at the house. "Oh, that house belongs to the mayor." She explained, there was a hint of bitterness in her voice. Brooks had a feeling her wasn't much of a mayor as he was an overlord.

"Oh, thank you." She handed the lady one of the papers Meliodas gave her, "If you can, you could always come to the new Tavern, The Boar Hat!"

The lady grabbed one and nodded, Brooks turned and walked away. As she got closer to the mayor's house, the stronger the power she was feeling got. And the feeling of dread rose.

She had passed out all of the fliers she had, and was now standing in front of the mayors house, the feeling of power and dread threatening to burst.

"She's here." Brooks whispered.

Hope you like this chapter, sorry for if being so short! I hope you all are still liking it!

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