Chapter 5

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Brooks walked up to the door of the mansion, and she raised her hand to knock on the door, finding it flying open, and she stumbled back, looking at who exited.

It was a short, plump, man, large brown handlebar mustache. He had two girls behind him, both wearing maid outfits, one had long brown hair and downcast brown eyes. While the other one was a pink haired girl with a hood over her head that Brooks recognized almost immediately.

"Rammy!" Brooks exclaimed, her blue eyes meeting the pinkette's golden ones.

"Brookie?" She asked.

"Excuse me, miss, do you have some business with me, or do you want to waste my servant's time?" The plump man, who Brooks assumed he was the mayor, asked rudely.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Brooks said, getting the feeling she didn't want to cross this guy, and the feeling that she's going to dislike him. "I just know her from very long ago."

"How do you know her?"

"Old friend."

"She never mentioned anything about an old friend."

Brooks was starting to really hate this man. "Well, I guess it was before she came here. Anyways, I was just coming to announce an opening of a tavern, just up the hill." Brooks said with a smile, "It'd be great if you were to come."

The mayor put a hand to his chin, "I'll think about it."

Man, Brooks hated this guy, she had no idea why though, she just took a deep breath, "Well, I hope to see you there!" She exclaimed, turning around and walking away. She headed up to the tavern, seeing that people were already there. She fixed her skirt and prepared herself.

She walked inside to see Elizabeth tripping, dropping all the contents of her tray. Acting fast, Brooks lunged forwards, catching the tray. She caught all of the contents that were on the tray, with only a spill from a cup. "Come one, you need to be more careful." Brooks scolded Elizabeth lightly.

"Oh, Um, thank you, and I will!" Elizabeth said, placing her hands over her chest.

"Now go grab another tray, we have some people to serve." She smiled and watched as Elizabeth nodded and ran back to  taking orders.

"Now who ordered this!" Brooks exclaimed, the people on the table next to her raised their hands and she placed the food and ale on the table.

The rest of the day went by fast. The tavern was full most of the time, so Brooks and Elizabeth were quite busy, and they only had a break a half hour before closing. That's when the door opened, and a shadow of a man and a girl spread out across the tavern floor.

Brooks looked towards the door, and excitement and hatred started to rise. It was the mayor and Aria.

"Welcome to the Boar Hat, what can I get for you?" Elizabeth asked.

Brooks didn't listen to what he got, she just kept staring at Aria, who was avoiding her gaze. She was always so timid. And working as a servant under this guy probably made her even more timid.

"That'll be right out." Elizabeth said.

"Thank you." The mayor responded.

Brooks was leaning against the counter, staring at the mayor. She was so focused, she didn't notice Meliodas walking up to her.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, making Brooks jump a bit.

"Yeah. I just don't like that man." Brooks told him. "You know that girl? She's one of my friends."

"Another Zodiac?" Meliodas asked.

Brooks nodded. "The sign of the Ram, Aries. Her name is Aria."

"Is her being a Zodiac the meaning for ear hood?" He asked.

Brooks nodded. "Yeah. Each of the Zodiacs has something to do with the sign they represent. For example, I represent the sign of the water bearer," she pointed to the belt she had around her waist, "So, I'm usually seen carrying water around. It's more noticeable on some of us though. Aria has ram horns. Even though we've all been forgotten, it's still better t be safe than sorry."

"Ah, I got it." Meliodas said.

Brooks watched as Elizabeth served the mayor, managing not to trip this time.

"We have to find a way to get Aria away from him. Once she is, she'll be more than happy to join us." Brooks said.

Meliodas nodded, and he moved from the counter, Brooks immediately got a bad feeling.

The Mayor and him were talking, the mayor seeming to get angrier and angrier, Aria had a suprised look on her face. Suddenly, the mayor turned towards her, rising his hand to slap her.

A sudden anger grew in Brooks, and she lunged forwards, grabbing the mayor's wrist lightly. "You even think about hurting my teammate, my friend, in front of me, you'll have hell to pay." Her tone was dangerous, and her eyes narrowed.

The mayor took one looked at Brooks, and he started to tremble. "Y-yes m-miss!" He stuttered out.

Brooks let go of him, and watched as he turned tail and ran. he may act like he's all high and mighty, but he was really just a coward.

"Aria, are you okay?" Brooks asked, looking at her friend with concern.

Aria looked at her, her golden eyes wide. She nodded. "Y-Yeah." She said. "I'm fine."

Brooks smiled, "Glad to hear it." She held out her hand, "Because The 12 Zodiacs are making a comeback, the Holy Knights need to be taught a lesson again. you want to join us?"

Aria looked at her, a spark of something in her eyes, a spark that made her look dangerous, "Of course." She said, grabbing her friends hand.

"Awesome, that means 2 Zodiacs down, 10 to go."

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