Chapter 12

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Moving quickly, Brooks rushed towards the two identical energies, speeding her way past green crystals.

The energies got intense, and she stopped, standing on a green Crystal, looking around.

"Strange to see you here so soon, commander." A soft voice came from above, and Brooks looked towards the source, seeing a single person floating above her.

"It's actually been quite a while." She stated, watching as the person landed in front of her.

"It has?" They asked, tilting their head slightly.

"It's been over 100 years, Gabriel."

The person in front of her made an expression of shock on their face.

"Really, I doesn't feel like it's been that long..." They crossed their legs while still floating in mid-air. "Well, I guess time passes differently than normal here."

Brooks smiled at the man in front of her, studying him. They haven't changed that much, in fact, they haven;t changed at all since the last time she's seen them. The feminine looking face, yet the boyish body. It made it hard for people to determine know their actual gender. Though Brooks knew why this was exactly.

"Why don't you two split up?" Brooks asked, and Gabriel looked at her, a small smiled on their face.

"Gladly." Their single voice dissolved into two different voices and they were engulfed into two different lights, a teal one and a seafoam green one, they pulled apart from each other, forming into two different people.

"Pleasure to see the both of you again, Gale, Grace."

To people looked at her, identical smiles on their faces.

"Welcome, commander!" Gale exclaimed, a smile on his face.

"What brings you here?" Grace asked, floating towards her.

"Long story short, The Hell Knights are back."

The two looked at her, and they both floated down and landed on the ground.

"But didn't we defeat those who were traitorous?" They asked.

"Yes, but because the whole king thing... we had to do it in secret, it wasn't in the history books, nor stories people tell normally. To be honest to you, we're not even rumors, or legends anymore. We've been forgotten."

The two had frowns on their faces. "Forgotten?" They asked together.

Brooks nodded, then she felt something. "You guys feel that?" She asked, the feeling that they were not alone.

"We're not alone." Gale said, floating up in the air, "And whoever just entered here, doesn't have a good intent."

Brooks looked at the two, "How can you tell?" She asked.

"For however long we've been here, we have become in tune with the souls here, we know whenever someone enters. But this amount of malice in their heart." Grace placed a hand over her chest.

There was a loud crash, and the three looked at each other, "The others!" Brooks exclaimed, and they all headed off.

~Aria's POV~
Aria watched as Diane was thrown towards the rock up the woman, running over with Tut behind her, she listened to what the women was saying.

"Diane the serpent sin. Endowed with possibly the greatest physical strength of the sins. As a giant, a close bond with the earth, and manifesting the magical abilities of creation, I'd been looking forward to seeing it in person."

Diane got into a fighting pose, her eyes narrowed. "And?" She asked, "What'd you think?"

"Frankly, a bit dissapointed. It didn't quite live up to what I'd heard in the stories."

"Then let's see how you like this," Punching her hands together, Diane clenched them together and they moved towards the ground, "It's sand whirl."

Looking at the woman, Aria noticed she was sinking in the ground.

"We can also take minerals and turn them into sand. Just a little FYI."

"Oh I see, most informative." The woman stated calmly as she sunk below the sand, only to pop out in an explosion of dust, her sword drawn."

Diane threw part of the crystal, but the woman touched it with the tip of her sword, causing it to explode and shatter, hitting Diane and causing her to fall on her back.

"Tut! We have to do something!" Aria exclaimed, looking up at the fight with wide, scared eyes as Meliodas started to fight her.

"And then of course, there's the legendary captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas. Your might does indeed live up to the stories I've heard. But it's quite a strange thing I noticed that you're not using your sword." The woman jumped back, pointing her own swords towards him. "You think your bare hands can stop my blade?"

"Well, if you really wanna know," Meliodus said, racing up and grabbing his sword. He swiftly moved the broken blade in front of him, and the explosion that was sent his way was reflected onto her.

"You got her good!" Diane exclaimed happily.

"Oh, I see, so your magical ability is Full Counter. If any type of magic is thrown back at you, it's thrown back at the castor at double strength. Interesting. The more powerful your opponent, the more powerful your defence. But that also means it's weakness is not being able to initiate an attack."

Aria didn't listen to the rest of what they were saying, and she glanced at Tut as the battle continued.

"She's heard stories of them, and that's how she knows of them. But us..." Tut started.

Aria looked a him with wide eyes, understanding what he was saying, "But she doesn't know about us because nobody remembers us!"

Tut looked at her and grinned, then felt the ground shake as she watched Diane and Meliodas fall to the ground.

Glancing at each other, the two nodded, and Aira moved her hand towards the woman, the fire that was lighting the ends of her swords moved away, and into Aria's hand.

"What?" She asked, her head tilted slightly. "How did you steal away my fire?"

Aria glanced at Tut, then smiled. "You don't know us? I'm hurt." She said with a sigh.

Tut walked up behind her, "I guess it is true, nobody knows us." He smirked and chucked. "This will be fun!"

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