Chapter 15

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Back where the Sins and the Zodiacs were resting, everyone had combined groups and were now on the topic of a new group of Holy Knights, called the 'New Generation'.

"What exactly is the new generation?" Meliodas asked.

"Apparently, there have been some failed apprentices, who have found a way to gain the full powers of a Holy Knight in the space of only one day." King explained, lounging on his floating pillow. "Guila, for instance, She's the latest apprentice who's grown stronger overnight. Doesn't really seem right, does it?" King asked.

"She was?" Meliodas asked, looking up at King.

"Let's just back up a minute, you took the sacred treasure that was bestowed upon you by King Liones himself, and sold it?" King asked, and Brooks let out a laugh.

"Sounds like him." Brooks muttered, earning a chuckle from Tut next to her.

"I needed seed money for the tavern." He explained, rubbing the back of his head.

King looked at Ban, who was almost passed out drunk on Hawk. "Your was stolen?!" King asked.

"When they threw my butt into that prison." Ban muttered.

"I managed to get my weapon back just fine." Tut said, pulling out a battle axe. "Doubt they put in any more effort on hiding yours than they had when they arrested me."

Ban just grunted with a shrug, while King looked up at Diane, who was pulling her pigtails over her face, in a attempt to cover the blush that was appearing on her face.

"Am I a bad girl?" She asked.

"If it got misplaced then it's not your fault." King consoled and Brooks rolled her eyes.

"Wow. Obvious crush is hell obvious." She muttered, getting a giggle from Aria, who was sitting right beside her.

"Hey." Hawk said, finally getting free from Ban, "I don't understand why you're getting so upset, King. These guys do pretty well with what they've got."

"Good Sir Pig." King addressed, and Brooks snorted as she took a sip of the ale she had in her hand.

"Sir pig?" Hawk asked, and King proceeded to turn around, floating over towards the lake.

"Now let's say this lake represents all the magic power used by one of the sins. How much water could you scoop with your bare hands?"

"Hands?" Hawk asked, raising up a hoof.

"That's right." King confirmed, "No matter how much magic there is, your hands limit you. But if they used a weapon, especially their sacred treasures," He moved his hand towards the lake, and water sprouted up, a giant bubble soon hovering above the lake. "They could draw fourth vastly greater amounts of magic."

"The sacred treasures are pretty awesome." Meliodas said.

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense." Hawk said, them immediately turned to Meliodas, shaking him violently. "Why the hell did you give yours up?" He squealed.

Letting the bubble drop, King crossed his arms, "In any case, we will need to locate your sacred treasures." King stated, looking over the Sins. "Assuming you're serious about saving the realm."

"Excuse me." Elizabeth said, standing up from where she was sitting. "Sir King, you were working with someone inside the castle, weren't you?"

"Hm, more or less." King confirmed.

"Do you know what became of my father and sister?" Elizabeth asked. "The King and the other princesses?"

At the question, Brooks was all ears, looking at King with an intent gaze. This information was important to her as well, for almost the same reasons of Elizabeth.

"I'm afraid not, sorry about that." King said, his expression solemn.

Brooks gripped her mug tighter, disappointment rising in her chest as she finished up the mug she was holding.

"Oh. I see..." Elizabeth muttered, her hand dropping from her chest. It was obvious by her movements and tone of voice that she was just as disappointed as Brooks was.

As the others continued talking, Brooks stood up and crouched next to the shore of the lake, unlatching one of the bottles and dipping it into the refreshing water, filling it up. Once it was full, she corked it and attached it back to her belt.

"So, you must be worried about the royal family too." Someone said, and Brooks looked behind her, seeing King floating just behind her.

Brooks just looked at him for a moment, then back at the lake. "I guess. I kind of forgot you knew about that. I'm surprised you remembered us. The others should of... But I guess..." She sighed, "I guess with all the stuff that's happened lately, they've forgotten also."

"It must be difficult."

"Being forgotten? Of course. You guys were gone for ten years, and your images were already messed up. Of course, they all expected you guys to age. I'm glad you actually remembered us when you first saw us."

"Well, it is hard to forget the people rumored to kill the king."

Brooks tightened her fists, "You know that wasn't what happened."

"I'm not saying you did it." King said, "I should know more than anyone that you didn't."

"Oh... Right." Brooks muttered. "So you also know why nobody vouched for us." With a sigh, she ran a hand through her hair as she stood up. "We should get back to the group before they get too concerned. Thanks for talking with me."

"It was no problem." King said with a smile, and then turned around, heading back to the group.

Brooks stayed at the edge of the lake for a couple minutes after he left, watching as the sun set and left the group in the dark of the night.

"Everything will be alright." She muttered, then turned around and walked back to the group.

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