(Moving and Blueberries)

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Zean's P.O.V

I stood on the side of the huge road as huge vehicles passed by going...like...A BILLION MILES PER HOUR!

I didn't know what to do and I wanted to get to the other side but how!? I sighed. Life was so hard.

Taking a deep breath, I got the courage to take a simple step onto the road and screamed as a car flew by.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I screamed as I sprinted the opposite direction. Ok, I will give an explanation as to why I am trying to cross a road with fast moving vehicles that could easily run over me.

So...I am thirteen years old and I live alone because the rest of my kind became...extinct? I DON'T KNOW!

I'm not exactly the smartest so I don't know much but the whole reason I was trying to cross the road was because there is a blueberry plant on the other side and I was starving for a blueberry.

The road with moving vehicles was what separated me from my blueberries. Oh, did I mention I was maybe about three inches tall? That made getting food a thousand times harder.

I decided... to try again.

Jake's P.O.V

I was being forced to move to a completely new home! To a completely new school! With strangers!

I didn't really pay much attention to the fact that we were moving and now I was rushing to pack my things, say bye to all of my friends, and prepare to leave the house that I had grown up in.

I didn't want to move. It would be the middle of the semester that I would have to start at the new high school.

I definitely was not ready for this. I faceplanted the pillow and screamed. "Jake it's time to go!" My older brother, Dylan, yelled.

Yes I lived with my older brother who had finished college while I was still stuck in the eleventh grade at high school and I was seventeen.

Anyways, I had to finish packing my boxes into the back of the truck and finally we were on our way to our new house.

"So Jake are you ready to enjoy a completely different school with new friends?"

"Just so you know, I will NEVER get used to this."

"Sure you will. We've been over this. Just give it a few weeks."

"You're a butt."

"Very mature Jake... Very mature." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm and decided to try and get some sleep during the long drive.

Five hours later

I didn't get any sleep. Dylan hit the brakes at every stop light and I was jolted awake by the stop of the truck.

I don't know how many times I glared at him. Finally, after so many long exhausting hours of staring out a window, listening to music, and trying so hard to sleep but not getting to, we made it to our new house.

I got to admit the extra floors were nice and my room was a bit larger than my normal one. Ok so I enjoyed this house a whole lot better than the other one.

All night it took both me and Dylan to unload the boxes and unpack a few. By the end of the day I fell asleep without thinking of tomorrow.

Zean's P.O.V

I couldn't do it. I hadn't eaten at all that day because I focused on getting to the blueberries and failed...multiple times. I hated those giant vehicles.

It was late at night and I just decided to walk somewhere since I was exhausted and there was seriously no possible way I could pass that ginormous road with moving vehicles.

I walked, and walked, and walked, and walked until a leaf blown by the wind landed in front of me and scared me. I was not expecting it.

It was because of that leaf though, that I looked up and saw a giant house! I grinned. "Food..." I muttered as I stumbled toward the giant house.

Again, it was dark ok. I didn't notice the dog on the porch until I arrived. It barked, I ran. I don't know how long I was running either until I tripped over a twig and fell face first into the ground.

"Ow." I muttered. Today was not a great day. I guess I fell asleep in the grass because that was the last thing I remember before waking up to a new day while laying on the ground.

More walking through a bunch of grass and finally I arrived at another house. This one thankfully had no pets so my next task, find a way inside.

Jake's P.O.V

It was morning. Yay. Note the sarcasm. I was not a morning person. Coffee or cereal or both? I don't know!

Dylan walked in the kitchen as lively as ever. I just gave him a tired look. I was also officially glad it was Saturday!

No new school for me yet!

"Hey Dylan, where is the box that I put my videogames in?"

"How would I know? Did you not take it to your room?"

"I don't remember."

"You could have left it in the car."

"Whatever." I mumbled while only half awake. So yeah I opened the door, walked outside, saw a tiny human being in the driveway, got to the truck, grabbed that box that I found in the backseat, and walked back inside after passing that tiny human being again.

Finally I had my box of videogames and now I could have a fun Saturday.

As I walked to the stairs I stopped. The driveway...I saw a tiny human being in the driveway? It took me a while to collect my thoughts before my eyes widened and I dashed outside to see...nothing.

Maybe I was so tired that I was seeing things? Maybe? I blinked and shook my head. I had to have been seeing things.

(Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I just really got into Giant/Tiny stories for some reason so the second chapter will be done soon)

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