(School and A Parakeet)

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Zean's P.O.V

"SCHOOL!? You have to go to school!?" I yelled at Jake who just nodded.

"Yes. I will only be gone for... like eight hours."

"Eight hours is too long!"

"No it isn't."

"It's like.. over half a day long!"

"I will be back soon Zean."

"Please don't leave me Jake. What about your scary parakeet over there!? What if he eats me!?"

"Just don't get near Skye and you will be ok. Now I have to go catch the bus for my first day of school... this day is going to be terrible..."

And Jake left. I was alone in this big house for around eight hours with a parakeet and Dylan who came home once or twice. I lost count.

I looked over at Jake's parakeet, Skye. Skye was eating but he would look up every once in a while to stare at me or chirp at me.

He scared me. His big round eyes, blue and white feathers, being taller than me yet not giant tall.

"Hey Skye..." I muttered.

Jake's P.O.V

I entered the school after riding the bus. Everyone was so loud and I knew nobody and I ended up sitting in a random seat beside someone who I didn't know and they didn't talk to me. I WAS SO STRESSED!

Finally I got my schedule though. I was stared at by a bunch of random people as I walked down the hall. Why was I socially awkward!? I made it through half my classes before lunch and when lunch came I had nowhere to sit and eat.

I couldn't just sit at a random table! It was all of a sudden that I was pushed aside and ended up tripping over my own shoelaces and dropping everything, making a scene. I feel like the whole lunchroom stared at me.

Who pushed me? I didn't know. So the day did not go as I planned at all. At least I got a new friend. Michael. He first came up to me and said it was hilarious that I fell then oddly after asked to be my friend. It was my first day of school and I needed a friend so I said yes.

Zean's P.O.V

I heard footsteps and hid behind Skye's cage as Dylan walked by out in the hallway. It was at that moment Skye pecked at me and I screamed.

When was Jake coming home!? Skye was terrifying me, Dylan was nearby, I was alone, why did I agree to stay here again?

Oh yeah, food. Speaking of which, I WAS HUNGRY! So I decided to go out exploring and searching for food. I wonder if I could use Skye as my personal airplane? Jake would kill me.

So I had to get off the nightstand and walk down the long hallway, avoiding Dylan AGAIN...

I feel like this is a redo of the other day when Dylan almost caught me in the plant. Jake saved my life. Thankfully today I actually made it to the kitchen after having to get down all of the stairs.

Across the kitchen floor, up the cabinet, across the counter, and to the cereal. Cinnamon squares! I watched Dylan walk into the kitchen, see the time, and walk back out. Probably going to college classes or something.

I was only thirteen. I was confused but whatever. I was eating food right now. Also, since Dylan left I could get water.

I could hear Skye chirping from here! Why hadn't I noticed the bird when I got here!? Finally, FINALLY Jake made it back home.

This was after I had travelled from the kitchen counter all the way back upstairs, down the hall, to his room on the nightstand where Skye stared at me yet again.

Jake threw his bag down and faceplanted his bed. "I hate this school!" He yelled. I covered my ears before Jake looked up.

"Oh, sorry Zean. Was your day better than mine?"

"Uh..." Skye's chirping interrupted me. "Skye." Jake said before getting him out of the cage.

"WHOA HEY! Do not let him eat me Jake! I mean it!"

"Calm down. He can't eat you Zean."

"I am not taking any chances! Keep him away!"

"Ok, ok." Jake let him fly around while I hid halfway under one of the pillows on Jake's bed.

"I better get started on homework. You would think that on the first day the teachers wouldn't give you so much work but today was just a horrible day. I made A friend and that was it. That was the only good thing about today."

"Well I was bored, alone, almost eaten by that parakeet of yours, had to travel a long ways to get food, avoid your brother who is very loud when he's at home alone, and then travel all the way back here. I am so exhausted and yeah that was my day."

"Sounds better than mine..."


"Wanna help me with homework?"

"I'm thirteen not... seventeen, like you. I don't know half this stuff besides I don't think I have ever had school. I wonder how I even know stuff. I don't know where any of my own kind is, I'm only thirteen, how come I feel like I should know more? I wonder if there are more people like me and maybe we have an alternate universe and somehow I entered a portal that brought me to a giant world? Or maybe I shrunk? That would explain why I'm the only tiny person in a world of giants. Maybe I lost my memory when I shrunk. Or... maybe I have short term memory loss and I just got separated from my family and surrounded by a bunch of giants or-- Jake? I feel like I'm talking to myself..."




I sighed. "This math question is like reading a different language. I can't do it. I give up."

"Math is just numbers... right?"

"If you put in algebra it's letters too..."

"You put letters in math?"


"... I'm tired so I'm gonna take a nap."

"And I'll be here... stuck on a math problem..."


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