(Going To School And So. Many. Giants!)

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Jake's P.O.V

I woke up to the loud alarm clock and immediately unplugged it. Alarm clocks irritated me. Anyways I slowly got out of bed then started my morning routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, and getting everything in my bag.

Skye chirped so I said bye to him then said a quick bye to Zean before running out to catch the bus because again I was saving my vehicle's gas.

The bus was usually always almost completely crowded by the time the bus reached my house. Finally I sat down and looked out the window waiting til we arrived at school.

Zean's P.O.V

Jake didn't even look at me when he said bye! He just left without noticing I snuck into his school bag. I WAS GOING TO SCHOOL! And I was so excited.

I peeked out of Jake's bag. I never thought the big yellow vehicle was so loud and there were a ton of giants riding it. Jake just looked out the window the whole time.

It felt like a few minutes passed before we arrived at what looked to be a ginormous building... even for giants. I was suddenly thrown back into Jake's bag as he stood up.

They must be getting off the vehicle. When I looked out again I saw Jake meet up with his friend Michael and they started talking about random stuff like girls and lunchroom food.

My eyes widened when I heard about the food. What food did the school have!? Jake suddenly stopped walking and again I was thrown back in his bag again. Ugh. Why was he stopping now!?

I slowly peeked out again to see Jake opening a small door on the wall then he opened his bag and I forgot to hide. Oops...

"Zean." He said quietly in shock. I slightly waved before Jake picked me up without warning and stuffed me in his jacket pocket before zipping it up most of the way.

Great. Note the sarcasm. I listened as Jake closed the door. What was he doing now? Soon he was walking again but this time he was walking faster.

I wondered why. I felt him make a sharp turn before sitting down then almost instantly after hearing a loud ringing sound! I then heard Jake sigh in relief. What was that all about?

It took some time but I got the zipper of his jacket pocket to slowly move so I could see and there were so many giants in one room! I had never been to anywhere like this!

Soon everyone was quiet and an adult giant was talking. About five minutes later I was bored and decided to catch up on sleep since Jake's extremely loud alarm clock made me almost have a panic attack this morning.

So I fell asleep until I heard that loud ringing sound again and woke up. What was that and why did it keep going off!? It got on my nerves. I couldn't catch up on sleep and Jake got up and started walking really fast again.

This repeated like three or four more times, with Jake checking up on me twice, before lunchtime. Food! My stomach was hurting so I was glad I could eat something. Jake finally let me out of his pocket and I saw Kat and Michael sitting there eating as well.

"Zean you better have a good explanation for sneaking in my bag without me knowing. I can't have someone see you here."

"I'm sorry. I was just really interested in this school place and I wanted to see what it was like."

Jake sighed as I waved to Kat and Michael. They both waved back before I took a grape from Jake's tray and ate it.

"Zean, I do not want you sneaking to school here with me again."

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry. You didn't even look at me when you said bye this morning. You just left."

"Ok, well I wasn't expecting you to be in my bag." Jake said. I continued eating the grape. "Oh also I was wondering why that ringing sound goes off so often?" I asked.

"That's the bell. It goes off when it's time to go to the next class. Each class is a subject. Math, reading, science, english, etc. And each class I get work--"

"Which turns into homework." Michael added.

Jake rolled his eyes. "I hate homework." He said. I finished eating the grape and set it on Jake's tray before I was once again stuffed into his pocket and he was throwing his tray away and returning to whatever class he was in.

The rest of the day was so boring and I hated the loud bell that went off after every. single. class.

Finally the bell went off and Jake was headed back to the big yellow vehicle that he called the bus. Another loud ride back home. I think I had decided to never, ever come back to school.

Soon I was back with Skye on the nightstand and Jake had went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. Michael had to be somewhere apparently and Kat was going ice skating again.

She was obsessed with ice skating it seemed. Because Michael didn't come over Jake was left doing homework alone and not but an hour later he threw his textbook across the room onto his bag.

"Finished and more than likely got almost all off them wrong but who cares!" He said as he looked at me and then Skye.

Skye was flying around the room and since he still intimidated me I hid under one of Jake's pillows on his bed. I hoped tomorrow would be a more eventful day.

Jake ended up having to plug in his alarm clock again before getting ready for bed and putting Skye back in his cage. I fell asleep on my bed soon after.

Jake's P.O.V

I watched Zean go to sleep before I went to sleep myself. To be honest, today was extremely boring and it was probably the most interesting day of school I had had since Zean was with me.

Finally finished. I am running out of ideas for what Jake and Zean can do!


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