(Snow And A Day Out Of School And Getting Lost)

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Zean's P.O.V

IT WAS SNOWING! I stared at the window as the green grass was covered in snow. I was so excited. "JAKE WAKE UP IT'S SNOWING!" I screamed as I tried throwing a random crayon at him. Why he had a crayon on the window sill, I didn't know but whatever.

I had to climb down to the ground, walk all the way to the nightstand, climb up on it, and jump from there to the bed then I had to walk to Jake. "JAKE! WAKE! UP!" I screamed.

He just rolled over as if ignoring me. I sighed. What if the snow stopped? No, I WAS going to go play outside in the snow! I didn't care if I didn't have a jacket or anything to keep me warm.

Ugh. Suddenly Jake opened his eyes. I flinched and stumbled back in shock. I was way to close to his face for comfort. His eyes looked ginormous!

"Hey Zean. Why are you up so early? It said on the News that there would be no school today since it's too cold of weather."


"Cool. I'm sleeping late." And with that I watched as he closed his eyes again. Was he serious!? "JAKE!"


"Let's go outside!"

"I'm tired so I'm sleeping late. Besides... I've had enough school and homework and stress that I deserve to sleep a little late. Now please, be quiet." He rolled back over away from me.

"Well... that's not fair!"

Nothing. He was ignoring me again! I sighed and looked outside. Dylan definitely would be sleeping... probably. I wasn't waking him up.

I sighed. I was so bored! Suddenly the phone rang and I jumped. Jake grabbed it from the nightstand. "Hello?" He asked. I don't know who he was talking to. "Ok, one second." Jake got up. "DYLAN YOUR GIRLFRIEND WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!"

Dylan had a girlfriend? I watched as Jake left the room with the phone. Skye stared at me. "What do you want Skye?" I asked as he climbed up to his cage.

The bird flew toward me and I jumped back. Finally Jake came back without the phone. "Hey Zean. Want to go ice skating?"

"YES!" I screamed. I had never been ice skating in my life so of course I was excited! Jake also found me a jacket before we left. How? He made it. Now I was warm, I was going to ice skate for the first time in my life... what could go wrong?

There were no ice skates that I could wear. Also there were so many giants on sharp blades on ice and it was terrifying! Even Jake!

"Jake, this is no fun. I thought I would get to actually ice skate on the ice."

"How exactly?"

"Uh... I don't know... I had just thought I would get to skate on the ice. It's not fair!"

"Ok then how about when we get home I let you play in the snow. But promise me you will not get lost. Ok?"

"Ok." With that we left the ice rink. Unfortunately, that was when it happened. The wind picked up and it was freezing cold and before I knew it I was blown off of Jake's hand.

The wind was so strong! "JAKE!" I screamed as I realized I was being pushed by the wind. Eventually I fell into a pile of snow.

It was so cold! I shivered and had to dig my way out. Where was Jake!? "J-JAKE!" I screamed. I looked around. Ok I was in a parking lot. "Zean!" I heard my name called.

Suddenly a giant foot stepped only inches away from me. I stood wide eyed and frozen in fear. I was almost stepped on! When I looked up I saw a girl with a cup of -- what I guessed to be -- hot chocolate.

Where was Jake!? Slowly I moved away from the giant foot that almost crushed me and ran the opposite direction.

Jake's P.O.V

I couldn't find Zean anywhere! He had been blown out of my hand by the wind! I panicked and went around looking for him. I had lost him in the parking lot!

I looked on some stranger's cars, all over the ground, through snow, in trees, everywhere! This was bad! Zean! I couldn't just go back home without him! "ZEAN!" I yelled again as I searched. A girl walked passed me with hot chocolate and gave me an odd look. "S-sorry..." I mumbled.

It wasn't but a few minutes later I got a phone call from Dylan telling me to get home immediately because his girlfriend was coming over for dinner. "O-ok. I will be there soon."

"Hurry, I need any boxes that are still out to be put away somewhere, I need to get dinner, and she will be here in an hour! Hurry up!"

"Ok, ok." I ended the call and looked around panicked. It was cold and I had to get home. I had to leave Zean...

Zean's P.O.V

I saw Jake! He had yelled for me again after putting up his cell phone. "JAKE I'M OVER HERE! JAKE! WAIT!" I screamed as I tried to run towards him.

He started walking to his car while yelling for me. "I'M OVER HERE! I'M COMING! DON'T LEAVE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE JAKE!" I screamed. The wind was blowing, I was cold, Jake couldn't hear me, and I watched him get in the car.

No. I kept running even though my legs felt numb. Jake closed the door. He wouldn't just leave me here, would he? Did something come up? Why would he leave me? Who called him? What would I do?

I watched Jake start backing out so I stopped running before I was run over by his car. "JAKE!" I screamed. He left. I was alone.

It was cold and I didn't know what to do! "What the--" said a voice. I looked up. Another girl looked down at me and I didn't know what to do. I was still catching my breath from running before!

The giant girl slowly bent down to get a closer look at me and even though my head was screaming to run my heart was screaming NO!

I think I blacked out after that.

I know, I know. Cliffhanger!

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