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Zean's P.O.V

I was spending the first night at Jake's house and I was nervous. What if his brother...Dylan, I think...came in without me knowing and he would see me and probably kick me out of the house or something!?

Jake fell asleep in his bed already while I sat awake on his nightstand. Thankfully he had made me a bed so I would be comfortable.

I just couldn't go to sleep though. I would toss and turn and so I just gave up. At one point I think I started counting to myself but somewhere around the number eight hundred I heard thunder and sat up.

Jake didn't even flinch! He must've been a heavy sleeper or I heard things louder than he did. My ears were smaller...

So it started raining and thundering and there was lots of flashes of lightning. I was terrified! I hated it whenever it stormed like this.

I sighed and tried to sleep. Nope. The whole night I stayed awake because the thunder was so loud! Jake woke up once, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

At somewhere around four o clock in the morning I fell asleep.

Jake's P.O.V

I woke up to hearing it rain. Zean was still asleep but it was morning. The whole next hour I unpacked a box before hearing the phone ring. "GOT IT!" Dylan yelled. I jumped.

I was never fully awake in the morning. Like, I was half asleep and maybe a fourth awake? I was zoned out the other fourth. I don't know I'm bad at math.

Anyways, I was really hungry so I decided to go downstairs to find something to eat and I might have forgotten the small being still asleep on my nightstand...

Zean's P.O.V

When I woke up I realized that Jake was not here. So I got out of my bed and walked to the edge of the nightstand. This was definitely not on my to-do list.

I took a deep breath. "YOLO!" and jumped onto the handle of the single drawer. I had actually survived that!

Ok I also kinda had a mini heart attack so I took a few breaths while looking down. The ground seemed so far...

"Ok, ok, ok. You can do this Zean." I whispered to myself. I slowly stood on the handle and then I jumped forward and grabbed onto the drawer as it opened.

Yes! And inside the drawer...was absolutely nothing. I think I just realized why there were boxes everywhere. THESE GIANTS WERE MOVING FROM THIS HOME! Or, you know, moving into it. I sighed.

I was so exhausted. When I stepped back but forgot that I was very high up I slipped and fell back. I screamed and fell for a really long time. I didn't want to die! Not yet!

I landed on something soft though and looked up. Jake's sock had saved my life! I think I would forever thank Jake for throwing his socks on the floor.

So I took a few moments to catch my breath before standing up and deciding to run out into the hall. Of course I crawled under the Space between the door and the ground. Finally. The hallway.

The hallway was long but I still saw the large stairs at the end. I forgot about the stairs...

So I ran down that long hallway before hearing footsteps. Jake? I looked ahead to see a different giant coming up the stairs. NOT JAKE!

Uh...what was his name...? Dylan. I immediately ran to the side of the wall and hoped he wouldn't notice me. He was actually talking on the phone but I didn't listen to him. Instead I ran to the closest plant in the hallway and climbed up into it.

"...yeah I am trying to get things organized around here." Dylan said into the phone. Suddenly I felt the plant being lifted up. Oh no.

"Huh? Oh Jake. Yeah he's fine. Would you like to talk to him?" Dylan continued speaking.

I sighed. Would he hurry up and put the plant down!? Where was he taking it anyway? Outside. Wait, he stopped.

"JAKE COME GET THE PHONE!" He yelled. I covered my ears before seeing Jake walk in. Instantly I jumped up and waved my hands in the air trying to get his attention.

When his eyes landed on me they widened. "Y-yeah. Sure." Jake muttered, not leaving eye contact with me. He slowly took the phone. "Hello?" He spoke and suddenly Dylan was once again walking off with the plant! Outside.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! And the door closed behind him. Jake. I needed Jake. Suddenly the plant was set down right as Jake ran outside.

"Dylan, uh, I hung up the phone. Anyways, what are you doing with that plant?"

"I don't know. Should I plant it in the yard or not?"

"...like I know." Jake said before grabbing me and walking inside.

"Jake?" I heard Dylan call out before Jake closed the door back.

"What do you think you were doing?" Jake asked me. I shrugged. "Exploring." I muttered.

He shook his head. "Whatever. Just don't do that again."

I shrugged.

Jake's P.O.V

I carried Zean back upstairs. "Why were you exploring around the house?"

"Because if I'm living here I want to know where everything is."

I sighed. "Ok, how about waiting until I'm done unpacking then I will give you a tour. Also, try not to be seen by Dylan. I don't know what he would do if he found out a tiny human being is living in the house we just moved into."

"Technically, I just moved into this house as well. You allowed me to. Just tell me to leave and I will leave. I just need to find a place to stay, find more food and water, uh,"

"No. Just... Stay here. It's fine. Ok? Ok. I have to continue unpacking."


Zean's P.O.V

He left. I needed to figure out how to live with a giant. I worried about what would happen if he carried me and ended up accidentally dropping me.

What if he got to busy with life to notice me? He had only met me yesterday. Something about him just made me trust him.

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