(Another Friend)

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Jake's P.O.V

Michael agreed to come help me with my homework but it wasn't til we were riding the bus to my house that I remembered I live with a tiny human being who could be killed easily.

Maybe Zean would notice Michael and not come out. Oh, I also had to introduce Michael to Dylan. Dylan more than likely wouldn't care as long as he didn't set the house on fire.

I laughed at the thought. "What's so funny?" Michael asked. "Uh, just thinking about when you meet my big brother. Don't worry. He won't mind you being over."

Michael nodded. Suddenly the bus stopped and I realized this was our stop so Michael followed me off the bus.

"Dude, your house looks so cool!"

"Thanks. My parents gave me and my brother most of their money before they passed away so my brother was able to afford this place and besides it's closer to the college he's always dreamed of going to. I'm just stuck in a new high school."

"Oh. Sorry about that. But hey our school isn't that bad other than all the homework they give out."

"True. Come on." I said as I unlocked the door. Dylan was home and eating noodles. "Hey Jake. Who's that?"

"Michael. He's a friend from school. He promised to help me with my homework since he's so smart and he agreed to come to my place."

"Oh ok, whatever just try not to trash the place. I mean it Jake."

"Ok, ok. Let's go upstairs Michael." I ran upstairs with Michael following close behind. "Your brother seems to really like a clean house."

"Believe me, I know." I said before opening my bedroom door and hoping Zean wasn't out in the open where Michael could see him. Thankfully he wasn't but I could tell someone had messed with Skye's cage.

"Whoa. I didn't know you owned a bird. That's so cool! Can he talk?"

"Uh, no. Not yet anyways." I could not find Zean! Maybe he saw Michael and hid before I found him. Hopefully.

"Ok let's do homework."

Zean's P.O.V

Who was this guy!? Jake never told me he was bringing a friend over! I hid under the nightstand as his friend became interested in Skye.

I wonder how giants saw birds. Like, to me, Skye was almost my height... a little taller, he pecked at me, he was loud and hurt my ears, and I still wondered what it would be like to fly with him.

Anyways, Jake's friend was helping Jake with homework from the looks of it. After last night Jake needed help. 

It felt like hours. I wonder if Dylan was looking for me? 

"Alright, all done. Finally. Do you get it now?" Jake's friend asked. I seriously needed to find out his name.

"I think so. Thanks for the help."

"Sure. I better get home. See you tomorrow Jake!"

"Bye Michael." Jake said as Michael walked out the door. Michael. That was his name. Jake closed his bedroom door before turning around. "Zean?" He asked. I walked out from under the ginormous nightstand.

"Hey. You never told me you were going to have a friend over!"

"I'm sorry. I just really needed help with homework."

I sighed as Jake held out his hand. I crawled on. "Look on the bright side, I am done with homework and we can do something tonight."

"Ok, lets go outside!" I yelled. Jake carried me outside. "Whoa. It's colder than I thought." I muttered.

"Yeah,I'm hoping it will snow soon so I get a day or two off of school. By the way, I need to get you a jacket."

"Yes I'm cold." So Jake ended up taking me back inside and looking for a jacket my size. Dylan passed by but I don't think he noticed me sitting in Jake's palm. He was looking around. I wonder if he was looking for me? 

We could never find a jacket my size! Eventually we both got tired of looking and thinking about it so we just threw that idea, of going outside, away. Jake took a nap so I decided to go see Dylan.

Dylan was in his room on one of those computers. Laptops. "HEY DYLAN!" I screamed up at him. I was pretty far from him anyways. He looked around for a few seconds before spotting me a few giant feet away from him.

I waved. "Zean. Where have you been? I got worried Jake would notice you."

"I've been... busy exploring your house. Why?"

He glared at me.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry. Your house is ginormous."

"I could give you a tour if you want?"

"Really!?" I was excited now. Jake never gave me a tour! Dylan held his hand out and I climbed on. "Your brave for, what, a thirteen year old?"

"I know. I've been around giants my whole life." Was it bad that I just kinda lied. Jake was the first giant to ever carry me in his hand and so I wasn't as worried with Dylan carrying me... especially the fact that he was older.

So the tour around the house was super long and I was shocked as some rooms that I had not been in yet. Some were huge! Some were extremely small.

"So how long have you been living in my house exactly?"

"Uh... a few days. For the food..."

"Ok and my brother, Jake, hasn't noticed you has he?"


Dylan sighed. "Good, he is already upset that we moved here so if he finds out a human the size of an insect lived here he would definitely--"

He stopped talking the moment he saw I was glaring my hardest at him. "I. AM. NOT. THE. SIZE. OF. AN. INSECT."

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry. Calm down. Seriously..."

I smiled. We were in the kitchen. So we ate food. I wonder how long Jake's nap would take? He seemed tired. All that homework and looking for a jacket for me to wear. I honestly think one would have to be made for me or something.

That night I promised Dylan I would be safe and left his room before he went to sleep then I ran to Jake's room to see him searching for me in a panic. "Zean, where have you been?"

"Exploring. Anyways, it's been a long day. Good night Jake."

"Good night Zean."


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