(Eating Food and Unpacking Boxes)

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Zean's P.O.V

I was seen by the giant! He came back outside and looked around the ground. For me? He seemed confused so I took the chance to run inside the house.

YES! This was so awesome! I had made it into a giant house! Ok well I ran to the corner where the stairs were because the giant was coming back inside.

I felt a little bad for making him confused but I pushed it aside. Big deal. I watched as he picked up a box that sat on the floor then he walked upstairs without noticing me.

Suddenly another giant walked over to the stairs. "Hey Jake, did you get the box!?" He yelled. I had to hold my ears from the loud sound. "Yeah! I got it!" The other giant...Jake yelled back.

The giant walked off and I mainly followed him for the food. Hopefully he was going to the kitchen.

He was! Food! I ran to the cabinet and looked up. This would take a while. The giant finally left the kitchen after cleaning up a little and I struggled to climb a cabinet.

It took some effort but I made it eventually and grabbed the first food I saw. Cereal. Ok so I jumped in the air and kicked the box down and cereal of cinnamon flavored squares fell out.

FOOD! I ate each cinnamon square until I was extremely thirsty. I needed water. There was a sink nearby so I decided to risk it.

It took me a while until I turned the knob thing and finally water came out of the faucet. Yes! I silently fistbumped the air.

Now to figure out how to get the water. All of a sudden I heard footsteps again! I sprinted behind a wooden thing which I couldn't tell what it was but that didn't matter. I had made a huge mess!

"Uh, Jake!"


"Quit making a mess!"

"I didn't...Whatever! I'm putting away my videogames right now so leave me alone!"

"Then quit making messes!"

"I don't think it was me!"

"I'm sure it was you!"

"Sure you do!" Jake yelled back. I watched this giant clean the mess and I finally let go of my ears. I was still extremely thirsty.

I counted. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... This giant was taking forever to clean up! After counting in my head to somewhere around seventy the giant finally left with the kitchen clean and I was thirsty!

What could I do!? I couldn't get water from the sink again, he would find me! Getting caught by a giant would be bad but getting caught by a giant while making a mess and stealing food would be extra bad.

Nope! Not risking it!

Jake's P.O.V

The videogames were all laying stacked up in the shelf by the tv in my room and I was almost done unpacking...the second box.

I would have started on opening the next but I was hungry for breakfast because apparently I skipped it because I could not choose between coffee and cereal.

Well now I just went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana. Better than nothing and I felt too lazy to do anything else.

I sat at the kitchen table and ate the banana as I heard Dylan unpacking boxes. The tiny human being ran across the floor.

This time I was awake. I blinked and shook my head. He was still there. Slowly I got up and laid the banana down on the table then slowly made my way to whatever creature I saw on the floor.

Was I hallucinating or something? "Hey." I whispered as I tried to get his attention. He seemed to hear me and turned around then he froze.

I don't know how long we stared at each other before he screamed and ran. I jumped back, taken by surprise at that.

"Jake?" Dylan.

"What? Oh, um, hey yeah I'm fine just uh..."

He glared at me and I hesitantly took a step back.

"Why are you angry?"

He gave me a look which clearly said 'you have done it now' and when I turned around I saw my banana on the table.

"My bad." I muttered before going to put it in the trash. I forgot what I was doing for a few seconds before I remembered the tiny person that I saw.

I searched for him and found him struggling to pull himself up the third stair. He was obviously good at climbing if he had already climbed three stairs.

Wasn't the smartest though. Did he not realize that this could take him, from my perspective, days! He would jump, grab the edge of the stair, climb up and do it again.

It was quite entertaining actually until he just laid there exhausted on the sixth step. "Uh. Hey. You want help?" I asked as once again he looked at me shocked.

"Relax I won't hurt you. Here." I held out my hand and watched as he slowly got up then stared at me for a long time before hesitantly climbing on.

"Please don't kill me." He muttered. "I won't. Oh I'm Jake."

"I'm...I'm Zean."

"Ok. Can you tell me what you are?"

"I'm human."

"I mean, why are you so small?"

"Oh, uh...I was born this way?"

"There's more of you tiny people?"

"I don't know." It was silent after that. I had made it to my room and let him down on my nightstand. "How old are you?"

"Thirteen. You?"

"Oh I'm seventeen. I just moved here. Is it normal to have tiny people around here?"

"N-Not exactly. Well not that I know of anyways. Um, do you have any water because I'm really thirsty?"

"Uh yeah. One sec." I ran back downstairs, grabbed a water bottle, then walked back upstairs and poured the water in the cap.

"Thank you." He said. I just nodded. "So how long have you lived in this house?"

"Oh I just ran in this morning."


"I usually just live outside though."

"Ok. Well you could always live here if you'd like. I wouldn't mind besides I'm new here and it would be nice to have someone who is used to around here than just my brother...and myself..."


(Ok second chapter finished. Hope you all enjoyed it. I'm going to start on the next chapter. Vote and comment on what you think.)

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