(New Day and Terrifying Moments)

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Zean's P.O.V

"JAKE!" I screamed. He was still asleep as his alarm clock was going off and I was RIGHT BESIDE IT! It was loud to me and Jake was still asleep.

Maybe he would ignore it, miss school, and we could actually do something interesting today. It was now that I realized... I didn't know much about Jake. "JAKE, WAKE UP! YOU WILL BE LATE!"

He was deep asleep. He couldn't hear me and his alarm clock was so loud! I think he stayed up too late with homework.

Jake's P.O.V

I woke up to seeing Zean kicking my alarm clock and... I was going to be sooooooo late... school had already started!

I immediately unplugged my alarm clock and threw it across the room -- because I can -- got dressed, grabbed my bag, said "bye" to Zean, grabbed an apple and ran to school. I had to run like two or three miles before getting to school by the start of third block.

Zean's P.O.V

Once again, I was alone. Maybe I should one day secretly go to Jake's school. I would be risking my life BUT I'm a risk taker! ...kind of...

I had to plan this out before I put my plan into action. Tomorrow. I smirked before hearing Skye unexpectedly chirp at me. So I ended up scared and screamed.

"Ok, look. You and me, we need to learn to get along because I seriously can not live with a loud screaming bird like you so quit it!"

He flapped his wings and came toward me so I screamed and ran. "I'M SO SORRY! I'M SO SORRY! JAKE!!!"

The door opened. I heard it. Dylan usually isn't home this early and Jake just left for school. The footsteps didn't sound familiar. Who was in the house?

I hid behind Skye. If worse comes to worse I open the cage, hope Skye flies out and beats up the robber while I run for my life. Yeah, that plan works.

The footsteps got closer... and louder! I opened Skye's cage and he flew out while I ran. I jumped onto the bed, ran across it, crawled down, climbed up to the window, took a break and saw Dylan staring at me, and realized I could not open the window.

It was all worth a try. Maybe... wait. Dylan? I slowly turned around to see Jake's brother staring at me. Skye landed on his head.

I hated Jake's bird.

I think I was frozen in place with Dylan staring at me. It felt like minutes passed without a single movement in the room. What do I do? What do I say? Should I still try to open the window? So many questions!

"Hi." Dylan started. Ok maybe I should run. I had to climb down the window first though. Then... I ran for my life, again, under the large bed.

"Skye get back in your cage." Dylan said. Was he just ignoring the fact he saw a miniature human being? Maybe so. Maybe he thought he was insane. Maybe...

I heard Dylan close Skye's cage before looking under the bed. NOPE, HE DID NOT IGNORE ME! "What... what are you?" He asked me. How come Jake didn't have anything under his bed to hide behind!?

He had just moved into this house a few days ago. That's why. Suddenly I saw the giant hand try to grab me and AGAIN I was running for my life.

"Hey wait!" Dylan yelled after me. He was trying to catch me! I hid under the nightstand and heard Dylan sigh. "Ok, you win. Can you tell me what you are and why you're in my house!?" He yelled as he looked at me.

He couldn't reach me. I was safe. "I am a small human being."

"Well obviously."

"And I'm here for the food."

"No. Get out of my house!"

"Uh... no?" I was terrified right about now. I really wish Jake was here! Dylan would not leave, he just stared at me.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked nervously. He glared. I was dead. "I am not letting another being live in my house especially one the size of an insect."

"Uh, ok first of all I am bigger than an insect... I think? I'm not the smartest but that does not matter!"

He gave me a confused look. "How old are you?"


"Ok..." he sighed. "Fine, but I do not want my brother finding out you live in my house. Understood?"

Should I tell him? This could get interesting. "Deal."

Jake's P.O.V

Michael had to help me finish my math homework. He was smart. Most of the day at school I did nothing but sleep. Hey, I stayed up all night trying to solve that one math problem!

Today was not the best school day. It was my second day here, I was late, and I almost turned in math homework that I had hardly started on. I owed Michael.

"Hey Jake..."


"How long til school is over?"

"Do you not have a phone?"

"... Just answer my question."

"One more hour."


I was already tired of school and this was my second day! AND I WAS GIVEN MORE HOMEWORK!!! "Hey Michael, want to come over to my house to help me with homework?"

"I don't got anything better to do so why not."




"... Jake..."


"How long til school is over now?"

I punched him in the arm and he just laughed.

Zean's P.O.V

Dylan was nicer than I thought he would be. Though he still scared me. He was taller and older than Jake.

Dylan also had all of the boxes in his room already unpacked and it was obvious he was extremely organized! Also, since Dylan found me I think he forgot his college classes or maybe he just decided not to go to college today.

I honestly didn't know hardly anything about college, at all. So I was eating in the kitchen with Dylan until he saw the time and told me I had to hide because Jake was about to be back.

I just nodded my head before running off to Jake's room. So Jake knew I was here and didn't want Dylan to know. Dylan knew I was here and didn't want Jake to know.

I just realized I started this book on Halloween!

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