(Grocery Store and Zean loves Food)

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Jake's P.O.V

I almost failed that math test while Michael completely passed his! "So how's Zean?" Kat asked at lunch.

"He stayed at home today... thankfully. Oh, did I mention I may have made another friend. I don't think he goes to our school and he's deaf but he seems really nice and he's my neighbor also."

"I wish I lived near your house. It would be more fun." Michael said.

I laughed. "Says the guy who lives in a mansion."

"Hey, it's lonely in a big house."

Kat laughed. "I spend more time at the ice skating rink then anywhere else."

"Of course you do." I added. Finally the bell rang and lunch ended.

Zean's P.O.V

I slept too late! I was planning on trying to go to school with Jake again! Ugh. Now I had to deal with being alone in this house with a loud bird who didn't like me. Skye.

I wonder if I could get down to the living room and watch tv? It was worth a try. So I had to climb down the nightstand, walk out the door and down the hall, walk into the living room, climb onto the table, get the remote and throw it onto the couch, climb down from the table, climb up onto the couch, and FINALLY turn on the tv and enjoy comfort.

Jake's P.O.V

School had ended without any more tests to take so I took the bus back home. It was during the ride that I remembered I had to go to the grocery store later today. Zean would definitely be upset if I didn't bring him after I had left him at home while I went to school.

When I arrived home I saw Zean watching tv. How? I don't know. "Hey." I said before turning off the tv. "What!? No! That took me forever to turn on Jake! Do you know how long it took me to figure that remote out!? It took forever!" He yelled.

"Wanna go to the grocery store?"

"Are you getting food?"

"Obviously. Come on." I said before picking up Zean. When we arrived at the store Zean's eyes lit up. I had never seen him so excited in my life. "Food." He muttered.

"Yeah. You tell me what we need to get." I said as I pushed the buggy down the aisles.
Ramen Noodles.
Bacon. Zean wanted bacon.

I ended up on my way to the check out line when I noticed Zean was missing... AGAIN! Why did this keep happening!?

Now I had to search for him in a grocery store filled with many people and food. I was not leaving him this time! "Zean!" I yelled as I made my way down each aisle.

This was bad! Finally I saw a small head of blonde, almost white hair. "Zean. Why are you here?"

"I-I fell." He stuttered as if he was panicked. "A kid grabbed me and thought I was a doll. I have never been thrown so far and from so high up in my life." He muttered.

"And you were thrown into the bakery section of the store?"

"W-well, you see, it's actually a funny story. So after I was thrown I had a hard landing on the floor so I limped over to where I saw cake and sweets and it caught my attention so I climbed up here to try to find you while sneaking a few cookies to eat..."


"I know, I know. It's stealing but I was so hungry and I had just been thrown by a giant and I was worried and wanted to find you. I'm sorry."

"Just come on. I can not lose you again after this. I panicked." So I had to buy all the food and made sure Zean was with me still when I got in the car. I hated the grocery store.

Zean was now obsessed with it because of all the food! Well, anyways we finally got home and Dylan was out on a date with Evaline... again. So I put the groceries up before cooking bacon because Zean wouldn't stop asking me.

So, yeah, lunch was bacon. The day was honestly boring. Dylan finally came home though and asked why we only had bacon cooked. "Zean." I said.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door. "Probably Evaline." Dylan said before opening the door. He was so wrong. "Hey Jake!" Michael stood there. It shocked me until I remembered he had gotten his drivers license.

"Michael, hey! I'm guessing you drove over here?"

"Obviously. Hey Zean. And... Jake's brother whose name I accidentally forgot." Dylan just stole a bunch of bacon and went to his room.

Michael shrugged. "He's cool." He muttered. Michael shook his head from his thoughts and looked at me again. "You will never believe what I found on the sidewalk this morning!"


Zean's P.O.V

It was him. Laying in Michael's open palm was was that guy that I had met! The rude guy that seemed terrified of Jake and ended up running away without telling me his name! Yeah... that guy!

Jake's stared with wide eyes. "A-another..." he stuttered. "Can I see him!?" I asked before Jake let me climb up his arm and jump into Michael's hand. Yep, whoever the guy was was asleep or unconscious in Michael's palm.

I seriously needed to figure out his name. "He's unconscious." I said when I realized I could not wake him up. "He was like this when I found him. You don't think he was stepped on, right?"

I shook my head. "No, then he would be dead!" I answered. "We should just lay him down and wait til he wakes up." Jake added. Michael nodded so we let whoever this guy was sleep on the nightstand in my bed.

So Michael and Jake watched a movie, Dylan was asleep, and I agreed to watch 'this guy' until he woke up.

I seriously needed to figure out his name!

(Hey, ok I have to think up a name for 'this guy'. Yes I am just writing whatever comes to my mind on this book so yeah. Vote, comment, share, follow, etc. )

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