(Waking Up and Searching)

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Zean's P.O.V

I had fallen asleep. It was night, I was tired, so yeah. Anyways, I wake up to see Jake asleep in his bed. I sighed. Another day...

It was then that my eyes widened. 'That guy' was gone! Was he still in the house? Did he see Jake or his friends? What if he fell off the nightstand!?

Slowly I looked over the edge. Thankfully I saw nothing but Jake's sock that had been there... an awfully long time. Ugh, Jake.

Now I had to wake up Jake, tell him the news (about missing 'that guy' not the sock), and search the house. So enter that extremely long climb to Jake here. "JAKE! WAKE UP!" I screamed. Why was he such a deep sleeper!?

I sighed. Maybe I could go on this search on my own and eventually Jake would wake up and notice I was missing as well. Yeah. 

So I climbed back down off of Jake's bed and searched the room before leaving to search the hallway. Maybe 'that guy' had tried to leave the house from all the giants. Jake's friend had already left.

I couldn't call 'that guy's name because I didn't know it. Why was everything so hard!? Maybe he was in the kitchen or...

Found him! Sure enough 'that guy' was sitting on the edge of a wide open cabinet eating a cheez-it from the knocked-over box. And in the kitchen. "HEY!" I yelled to get his attention. He just slowly looked at me while eating the cheez-it. "What!?"

"Uh... h-how did you get up there?"

"Skills. By the way we are in a giant's house! Care to explain!?" He suddenly jumped down and my heart skipped a beat. Thankfully he safely landed on the counter then jumped again onto the bottom cabinet handle then onto the floor with his cheez-it never leaving his hand! Ok, so he was skilled...

I wish I could do that! "Uh, we never official met. I'm Zean."

"I don't care. Answer my question."

"Oh, right. So this is where I stay and my friend is Jake, the giant that is currently sleeping upstairs, and Jake's friend named Michael found you unconscious so he brought you here."

"Ok then so a giant knows we both exist. We're going to end up dying now. Thanks a lot Z."

"Uh it's Zean."

"Uh I don't care."

"And Jake is a lot nicer than you think."

"Sure, sure. Whatever." He said sarcastically. Suddenly we heard footsteps. It was Dylan. The moment I looked back at 'that guy', whose name I seriously needed to find out, he was gone.

Dylan just made coffee then sat on the couch in the living room and watched tv. I sighed for what felt like the millionth time that morning. He couldn't have run off too far. By the time I found him he was hiding behind the table leg.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing!? What are you doing out in the open like that!? Do you want to get yourself killed!?"

Finally Jake came downstairs searching the ground for the two of us obviously. "HEY JAKE!" I yelled. Jake looked down at me and smiled.

"Zean you had me worried. Where's the other one at?" he asked. I pointed to "that guy" before he tensed up. Sorry buddy.

Jake looked under the table. "Hello." Jake started. 'That guy' was pale in the face. He was also completely still. "Are you ok?" Jake asked. I had to walk up to 'that guy' and touch him.

He just flinched and backhanded me. Nothing too harmful. The pain! He hid behind me and used me as a shield against Jake. "He's not going to hurt you." I said.

I don't think he was paying attention.

"Can you tell me your name at least?" Jake asked. Silence. "Well?" I asked. "A-Andrew. Tell him not to kill me. You said you were his friend so tell him not to kill me! I actually value my life!"

"Andrew. Well I'm Jake and this right here is my buddy Zean. Relax. I won't kill you. I was wondering if you were feeling ok? You were unconscious last night and it worried us a bit."

"I-I'm fine..."

"Ok. That's good. Are you hungry or, um, I'm guessing you had the Cheez-Itz?"

Andrew nodded hesitantly. Not long after our conversation Dylan was off to whatever he was planning on doing for the weekend and Jake was sitting at the table with us as we all just casually ate out of the box of Cheez-Itz.

"So how old are you Andrew?"

"Sixteen." He muttered while eating his cheez-It.

We had an extremely long conversation until I brought up the thought that I was the only miniature being on this planet. It shocked me when Andrew shook his head no.

"What?" Both Jake and I simultaneously said.

"There are more of our kind but the problem is that they all usually live in the woods or the forest and in hollows of trees or whatever. Our kind fears the giants and believe me there is no way that you could ever ask a single one of them to even get near a giant.

"I used to live in the woods with my family but something happened. I think an animal attacked our home. I happened to lose part of my memory so I don't remember much unfortunately.

"I have lived alone since then." He finished. "Gosh, I have NEVER eaten so much. Thank you." He said to Jake as Jake just nodded and smiled. "So I guess that answers your question Zean. You do have more people like you."

Another thought then crossed my mind. Did I have a family? Or even any siblings.

Thanks to @_Xandria_ for helping me come up with a name for 'this guy'. Also I know I haven't updated in forever and I blame horrible wifi. Anyways, Comment on what you think, vote, share, and I will hopefully update sooner.

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