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The weekend of the trial had now arrived, and Adrien was getting ready to leave. He wore some simple black slacks and a blue button up shirt tucked in, with the collar unbuttoned. He walked down, and Nathalie was waiting for him. The two got in the limo, and got driven to the court house.

When they walked out, reporters were all over them. But Gorilla scared them off, and they were able to finally get in and sit down. Adrien was once of the only people who sat in the audience, and the judge was already seated. Nathalie sat next to Adrien, and they watched Gabriel get escorted inside by a police officer. His lawyer met up with him, and soon everyone was in place once the opposing settled down. Everyone was silent as the judge started to read off his papers.

"Gabriel Agreste. You are being charged with assault and battery, kidnapping, attempted murder, property damages, purposeful destruction of the city, and fraud. How do you plead?"

The lawyer stood up. "Gabriel Agreste pleads guilty of all charges." She said, then sat back down.

"Okay. Then by law, you will receive a 2 year sentence for assault and battery, two 7 year sentences for double attempt of murder, 5 years for second-degree kidnapping, 8 years for dangerous situational damage of infrastructure, and 2 years for fraud. Altogether you are facing 35 years in jail. Do you plead early release and probation?" The judge asked.

"Yes, your honor. We plead for early release upon good behavior after 5 years, house arrest for 3, probation for 20 years, and 3 years community service. And my client is willing to pay 50,000 on top." The lawyer spoke for him. Gabriel seemed very tired, and his eyes were puffy.

"I call a 15 minute recess the determine if such requests are to be denied." The Judge smacked the gable on the table, and he walked away with a group of five.

Adrien leaned back in the chair.

"Do you agree with their plead?" Nathalie asked him quietly. Adrien shrugged.

"I have mixed emotions. I mean I love him still, but he tried to kill my lady. I worked with her for two years, and he nearly killed her by beating her up. Marinette is still in a wheelchair because of what he did, and she is super jumpy now. Sometime I lean down to kiss her cheek, and she flinches as if I'm about to hit her. Although it usually happens when she's tired." Adrien told her. Nathalie nodded.

"You know, Gabriel originally wanted to keep whatever time he would be assigned with no early release and no bail. I talked to him personally, and he says that he deserves it. What happened to him, I mean. He feels remorse after everything." She told him. Adrien smiled lightly. He was glad that his father felt sorry. It reminded Adrien that he does have feelings, deep down.

15 minutes passed, and the group was back in the room.

"I would like to call Adrien Agreste to the stand to give his take on the situation." The Judge asked. Adrien stood up, and entered the official court area. The police officer showed him to the seat, and the opposing lawyer started to ask questions.

"Your name and age?" She asked. She wore a tight pencil skirt, with a white blouse. And her hair was pulled back so tight Adrien thought her scalp would rip off.

"Adrien Agreste. 17." He answered.

"And you are, in fact, Chat Noir?"

The question unnerved him. "Obviously." Adrien said emotionlessly.

"Please tell us the events of the night following Gabriel Agreste's arrest." She asked.

"Ladybug and I infiltrated a party that he was hosting. It was a cover up party so he could make some deals with his larger clientele. Ladybug managed to sneak her way into a meeting. She had the plan of knocking everyone out with Chloroform, and arresting him there. But he faked his unconscious state, and tazered Ladybug. His bodyguards cuffed her and brought her to the manor where he stays as Hawkmoth. He keeps all the white butterflies in there since they  become more active. Her wrists were shackled together, and so were her ankles. And those cuffs were shackled to the floor by one large metal bolt. He advanced to her after she refused to give up personal information. She kicked his knee, which made him fire the first blow to her gut. When he proceeded to interrogate her, she continued to refuse. He started to beat her with his fists, but mostly kicked her repeatedly in the ribs, hips, back, and head. Then, he psychologically harmed her. Made her believe that she was all alone, and I would never return. That her civilian form was just as weak as her heroine form. Then he tied her to a chair and watched her transform back into her normal self. He psychologically harmed her further, and then threw her to the ground. He then continued to beat her further, and used his cane to break her ribs. He would press them in between until the muscles would separate and the bone would break. I walked in just as he was doing this very act. I became sad, and was overcome by an akuma. But I remained my same nature, and I took him down. I beat him up until he detransformed. Once we realized who each other was, he promised not to try to escape, and he apologized sincerely. I went back to check on Marinette, and she was unconscious. By the time the police arrived, I had detransformed." Adrien finished. He kept a stone face throughout his story.

"And how do you know of the events that occurred while you were not in the room?" The woman asked.

"Because Marinette told me in great detail all the actions that happened before she passed out. Everything else is on my memory." Adrien told her. He took a deep breath.

"Do you, in your personal opinion, believe that Gabriel Agreste should be given the amount of jail time, house arrest, probation, and community service he pleads for?" She asked. Adrien thought for a moment.

"I do. On two conditions. Gabriel's house arrest be raised to 5 years, and his probation reduced to 18 years. And that during the five years of his house arrest, he is not allowed to work in any field of work. He must remain jobless in those 5 years." Adrien told her.

"Thank you. The rest is yours, your honor." She finished. Adrien walked off the chair, and back into the audience with Nathalie.

"Judgers. Please cast your vote electronically and privately." He asked them. Those in the stand picked up a little machine, and in a matter of seconds, they gave their answer. The Judge looked at his own machine, and read off the results.

"The results rule in favor of Gabriel Agrestes' plead. Motion followed." And he smacked the gabble.

"Well there you go." Nathalie said. "Now lets go do that boring paperwork." She said, trying to lighten the mood. Adrien followed her to the back, and the Judge joined them with a lawyer, officer, and Gabriel present.

"Alright, let's make this quick. I've got to watch my daughters recital soon." The Judge said. The lawyer placed the papers down on the table, and explained them to the room.

"These papers sign off everything Gabriel Agreste owns onto Adrien Agreste. Estate, manors, and mansions are all his. He may do whatever he wishes with them. But when probation and house arrest role around, Adrien will be the one to pick where Gabriel goes to live. Sign on the dotted line, and everything is yours." She handed Adrien a black pen. He hesitated for a moment.

He looked up to his father for a quick moment, and for the first time, Gabriel showed expression. He encouraged Adrien to sign the papers.

"It's the best thing to do." Gabriel told him quietly from across the table. Adrien nodded, and signed the paper. He turned it around, and Gabriel signed it. Then everyone in the room signed the paper. Once that was done, a list of his earnings were given to him.

"You are able to leave now." She dismissed.

The officer hand cuffed Gabriel once more, and showed him to the door.

"Wait." Adrien said. He walked over to his father. Through the years, Adrien has finally reached his height.

"Goodbye father. I won't visit since I'm going to study abroad in China, but I will call you." Adrien promised. Gabriel smiled.

"Told you those Mandarin lessons would get you somewhere. I'm glad you are studying abroad. And I will make sure to keep track of your calls. Goodbye Adrien." She made a small wave, and then was pulled away.

Adrien felt like he wanted to cry. In those 5 minutes being in the room and speaking to him, he felt more emotion from him than he had felt in the past 5 years.

Nathalie walked him out, and they got back to the manor.

"I'll have dinner brought up. And later we can talk about your trip."

"Alright." Adrien headed back up to his room, and laid on the bed. Plagg flew out, and sat on the pillow next to his head.

"You okay kiddo?" Plagg asked.

"I don't know."

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