I want to marry a woman that has control,
Not only of herself but also of my soul.
Of any situation that would disrespect our relationship.
And of any confrontation that would make us distant.
I want to marry a woman that really supports me.
Invests in me more than others and understands what respect means.
Can join me within my hobbies even if just to converse
A woman that understands who's to come first.
I want to marry a woman who will lead me to greatness
Nothing major like being rich or unimportant like being famous
But something far more important like happy and gracious.
Will push me to my peak even break the limits we aim for
And won't let me give up until we've got what we came for.
I want to marry a woman that will always stand by my side
A bond so strong it goes beyond the standard of pride.
Will never question the purity of what we can build
And will believe in the relationship with faith ever filled.
I want to marry a woman distinct and appealing
Doesn't settle for the average, wants a real passionate feeling.
Protective but not discouraged or overly worried
Understanding and dedicated to building our story.
I want to marry a woman that doesn't want me hurting
Doesn't add to negative energy instead converting.
I want to marry a woman that can match my love
Someone that would never leave me feeling unloved
Someone that would put the effort for our relationship to strive
I want to marry a woman that can truly show me the beauty in life.