Don't apologize, that's not what I need from you.
What I do need is a reason to believe in you.
It's ok that you are hurt, it's ok that you're angry.
But who made you feel deserted, who said you weren't worth anything?
Not sure why I'd have to say it but I forgive you.
I can clearly see all of the potential within you.
You haven't failed me, I get all the things that we been through.
You seek to make a better future, you give your love, it's eventful.
The beauty that you give in life shouldn't offend you.
It doesn't matter how they see it or how they pretend to.
The type of love that you seek out is never regretful.
The same beauty you give out you must always hold on to.
Is it clouded? Are you that deep rooted in perfection?
Is it clear to you? Or maybe your trapped within someone else's.
Don't ever let yourself feel that your purpose is hurt.
Or accept anything less than what you are worth.
Don't get down on yourself because they can't see what they've earned.
Don't put pressure on yourself you will get what you deserve.
You will find that love with the fire that will always burn.
However you gotta appreciate your own existence first.
You're worth it, You're worth every dream that you have.
Every plan that you've ever laid, every moment you grasp.
It's a gift to carry the type of love that you have.
It's a gift to have the spirit and the soul that you have.
So keep up and know that I will never be mad.
We going to have pain, lessons can never be bad.
When it burns remember I won't put no one above you.
No matter the course we push through just know that I love you.