That just Screams Broadway

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So. My softball game was cancelled today! Now I get to get to the goods! Kinda. I'm still setting the scene...
Quinns POV
I looked over at Taylor. He was just looking at me. He was always 'just looking at me'. I think he has a thing for me.
I put on my best smile, "So, Taylor. What do you think we should do our musical about? I was thinking we should try a Sweeny Todd approach. Not the demon barber part, but the horror part."
Taylor was quick to agree, "Thats a great idea. I love scary movies and music. It just screams 'broadway'."
My smile faltered.
Taylors POV
"No, don't get me wrong it could so be the next Cats." Gosh, I would agree to anything that came out of that girls mouth. Could a boy be girl crazy? I decided yes. I am.
"I'm getting mixed messages. Yes or no?" Quinn was definitely not smiling anymore.
"Yes, yes, great idea, fun stuff, broadway, next Cats." I gave her a lazy, lopsided grin.
Quinns POV
That was personally my favorite smile. Ever. On any guy. Why did it look so good on him? I didn't even like him. I was having mixed feelings, too.
I had an idea, "I think the main character should-"
Ring, ring, ring
There was an announcement. It stated that, "All students are to be let out of class due to snowy weather." Typical New Jersey. Then it signed off. The students let out cheers of joy.
Suddenly, a pleasant voice wrung out, "QUINN! Quinn! Quinn." A girl danced up to me. Her curly, sholder length, dyed blond hair was bouncing as she stopped.
I looked up to see Courtney in a black miniskirt and frilly white blouse. The blouse was threaded with black. It matched her dark eyes and pale skin.
I cracked a dazzling grin, "Hello, madam. How may I be of service?"
"Well I was really hoping for a tampon." That made Taylor look away. the movement also made Courtney notice him. "Hey, Caniff. Do you mind? I am trying to have a funny conversation, but my tampon joke just is not funny around guys."
Taylor was used to this treatment from her. He responds the same way every time, "Oops. I forgot to care." With that, Taylor got up and walked out of the room.
I sighed, "Why do you have to be so mean? He was just packing up."
"He was ruining the mood."
Courtney wore a look of mock hurt, "Rawr. Anyways, wanna hit the mall?"
I loved shopping. My parents gave me my own credit card. Since my mom and dad are both top budget lawyers, I didn't even have a spending limit. My parents trusted me not to be immature with money. Thats how I was raised. Do good in school be nice everyone, and be responsible. My eyes lit up, "Does Taylor wear bandanas?"
We both laughed as we flicked our hair over their shoulders as we walked across the auditorium toward my new, black Jetta I got for my 17th last month.
I nudged Courtney arm, "Should I go home and change first?"
Courtney studied my dark blue skinny jeans and a black 'ratchet' crop top. I had black wedges on and a black tank top underneath. Courtney sighed, "Nah, your hot. You always are."
"Thanks, baby." We climbed in the car and I shot her an appreciative look while she was reapplying mascara into the mirror.
I shook out my hair, applied fresh mascara and lip gloss, then pulled out of the school parking lot. We were the last ones to leave.

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now