This story is going no where quick. I gotta do something about that. I'm gonna set up some adventure.
-LaylaQuinns POV
I felt a tug on my sleeve, so I broke my connection with Taylor and looked over. Nash stood there, smiling. His big blue eyes were practically shimmering with joy.
I laughed a little at his... enthusiasm. I said, "Yes, Nash?"
As he spoke, the smile and shimmer never faded. "You and Taylor are so cute. But anyways, I just got an email from the guy who runs Magcon and-"
I had to interrupt, "What does this have to do with me?"
"Just listen and you figure it out! As I way saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, I got a Magcon email and it asked if I thought we should do a surprise meet and greet in Florida!"
Taylor spoke up, "Why wouldn't the rest of us get an email?"
"Oh, he wanted to run it by me before getting your hopes up."
"Why you?"
"Because my gramps was supposed to come visit and he wanted to make sure I could go."
"Can you?"
"Yep! My gramps said he couldn't come because his dog is sick... whatever, it opened up my schedule!"
They kept going on with their convo, so I gave Tay a quick kiss on the cheek and told him I was gonna go keep Cameron company. I walked over to the other side of the car. Cam was already inside, so I tapped the glass and smiled. Cam rolled down the window.
His face brightened up when he saw it was me. "Whats up?"
I glanced over at Tay and Nash, but the car blocked them from sight. "Taylor and Nash are talking and I wasn't in the conversation."
He relaxed in his seat a little. "What are they talking about?"
"Something about Magcon to Florida doing a surprise meet and greet." I placed my forearms on the on the open window and stuck my head inside the car. "Now they're talking about Nashs grandpa."
"His grandpa is quite the character... Wait, we're going to Florida??" The excitement in his eyes was blindingly attractive.
I couldn't help but smile. "By the sound of things, yes."
Slowly, the smile faded and he cocked his head. "What about you? would you be coming or staying here without Taylor?"
I felt my smile fade, too. "I... I don't know... I have the money for a plane ticket and I am allowed to, but I don't know about school..."
He looked understanding and patted my arm, his hand lingering just a bit too long. "Well, Taylor skips school all the time for Magcon and he's doing fine. I'm sure you would be able to come."
I hadn't thought of that. Plus, I hadn't missed much school. it was the end of the year, and it didn't matter. "I'm going."
"Thank God, I thought I was going to have to deal with only the guys!"
Cameron was easily one of my favorite people to be around. The was we talked was simple and natural. I liked it. "Cam, you are one of my favorite people, like, ever."
Camerons POV
Did she really just say that? I was one of her favorite people? I'm glad, because she is also one of my favorites. I may have extended feelings, but the friendship is easy and good. I hope it stays like this. I said, "The feeling is mutual."
She smiled and put her head back outside the window and opened it. Then, she opened the car door and leaned in again. Only this time, I got a little nervous. She wrapped her tan arms around my torso in an affectionate hug. I gladly hugged her back.
When she pulled back, I was sad but happy. I wanted more but was glad it happened. She said, "I should probably go, but I'll see ya!"
Then she walked bak toward Taylor and Nash and I was left alone to my thoughts. Did I really have a chance? Probably not. I am going to start with friends and work my way up. She just doesn't feel like that about me yet. That doesn't mean I am going to give up. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. I will not give up.
Taylors POV
"Yeah, cool. See you guys later." With that, Nash strutted away and Quinn came back. I watched her gracefulness as she stopped Nash to hug him. I really enjoyed the fact that she liked my friends so much. I know she is trying hard to fit in, and it pays off. All of the boys seem to have fond feelings toward her. It's good that we can have the same friends, because I don't think I would want to choose between them. I wouldn't just abandon the boys or her. It would be hard to find time for her and the boys both, so I'm glad I don't have to.
I embraced Quinn and kissed the top of her head. She turned her head to look up at me. "I love you."
"I love you, too." I see her easy smile and know that this -us- was meant to be.
I took her warm hand and escorted her to the passenger side of the car. I gripped the cold handle of the car door and opened it like the gentleman I was. As Cameron and Nash passed us, Nash rolled down the window and whistled. Quinn rolled her eyes. I loved how she could be so kind and loving while doing something so... not.Once me made it back to my house, Quinn perched on the counter in the kitchen while I grabbed a bottle of water. She sat spinning my keys on one finger and the other hand gripping the edge of the counter on her side. She was staring off, contemplating something. Her long, dark hair cascaded over her shoulders due to the fact she was leaning forward a little. She swung her dangling legs absently. Her bright eyes were unfocused. I set down my water and stood in front of her.
I took the hand she was spinning with and set down they keys. She looked at me and took a fistful of my shirt to pull me closer. For a while we said nothing, tangled in each others arms. Then she pulled back, leaving her arms carelessly placed over my shoulders and my hands at her hips. She crossed her wrists and cocked her head.
Finally, her soft voice broke the silence in the room. "She you and the boys are going to Florida?"
I nodded my head, confused at why she brought this up. Was this what she was so deep in thought about?
Quinn bites her lip before she speaks. "How long will you guys be there?"
"A week starting next monday. We are leaving saturday night. The flight is at 9:00. Why?"
She gives me a bewildered look. "Has it not occurred to you that I might not go?"
The thought had totally slipped my mind. She probably thinks I don't care. I tell her the truth, "I hadn't thought about it. I guess I assumed you were coming..." I feel a pang in my stomach from the thought of being away from her that long. "Are you?"
"Obviously," relief floods through my body, "but I was just curious why you hadn't asked yet."
"I didn't think you wouldn't come." I smiled a little. "We're kind of a package deal now."
She leans her forehead on my shoulder and mutters, "Of course."

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron Dallas
FanfictionTaylor Caniff and Quinn Tracy are in love, and the things people do or say could never change that. Well, unless Quinns feelings for Cameron flourish even farther than they already have. As far as Cam is concerned, once Taylor makes a mistake, he'll...