Man. Is this good? My friend @umaddyornah keeps bugging me at school to post. I normally update at 12ish when I go to sleep. Please get this fanfic popular!
-LaylaQuinns POV
Affgdtihfsa, Taylor. He was sitting next to me in the warm, bubbling water with his arms behind his head. His shirt was off and the sun glistened off the water, going into my eyes. I turned so my back was to the sun and I was facing Taylor. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his torso, startling him. His eyes widened in surprise, then his eyes sparkled with pleasure. He wrapped his arms around my waist in response and smiled, his nose scrunching up adorably.
I looked around at the snow surrounding us. "This hot tub feels so good."
He kissed my forehead. "I know, i come in here all the time when its cold and just relax. Though it isn't that cold today." He squinted into the sun. "How much longer is winter?"
I thought about that. "Depends how mad the groundhog is about being locked up all year."
At that, he chuckled. "So. I was thinking, do you want to meet any of the boys from Magcon?"
I felt the skin around my eyes stretch as my eyes bulged. "Are you serious? I would love to! That is, like, my dream."
Taylor looked taken aback. His mouth mad a little 'o'. "I never realized you actually liked Magcon."
I straight up laughed. "Oh, I love Magcon."
He just smirked. "Just the way you love me, right?"
"Yes, but you are... your own little thing in my heart it doesn't count."
Taylor blushed, which was so cute it made my head spin. "Thats odd. I thought you hated Magcon. You, like, never even acknowledged my existence before we started dating."
I looked away. I was truly embarrassed at the way I used to think of Taylor. He is not who I thought he would be, not even close. I see so much goodness in him, his heart, that the person I believed he was never even existed. If I had just taken the time to get to know him...
I looked back at him and smiled sheepishly. "Mhmmmm?"
He said, "You looked deep in thought."
I decided on telling him the truth, so I popped the cork on the bottle. "I was... I feel like I have to say this. The reason I always ignored you in school was because I didn't know you. I had my mind made up about some person I thought you were. I never actually took the time to get to know you. I had thought you were a d-bag that used his fame to his advantage and never, ever was nice. I don't know how I could
be so selfish and clueless. You are exactly the kind of person I was looking for and you were right there the while time. Taylor, I'm so sor-"
He cut me off with a kiss. At first, I was startled, but after a moment my body went quickly into action. I pressed into him, hungry for more. I could tell he felt the same way. He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I had tangled my hand in his wet, shaggy hair as usual. His arms were hooked on the small of my back. Just as the kiss deepened, my dumb phone started to ring.
He pulled back slightly, groaning.
Taylors POV
God, I just can't catch a break, can I? I groaned. Always getting interrupted. She gave a frustrated sign as I watched her make her way out of the hot tub. I just sat there like an idiot, gaping after her. Her body was perfect, flawless, incredible.
She curved at just the right places, her long, black hair went side to side as she took each graceful step, her skin was gorgeously tanned, and lets just say her swimsuit ain't baggy. I was most definitely in love with Quinn.
She dried off her hands on a royal blue towel and cursed at the name. Her hand hovered awkwardly, as if she was deciding on wether to answer or not.
Quinn decided to answer. I couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the line was saying, but I listened for clues in Quinns words.
"Hello?" Formal, shes mad at them.
"No." Snapped, annoyed with them.
"I just can't be there right now." Sincerity, close to them and doesn't want to spend time with them.
"Fine. I love you. Bye, dad." She said dad, its her dad.
I think I'm pretty good at this game.
As she grumbled and strolled back to the hot tub, I pitched my idea, "Was your dad trying to get you to go home?"
She looked at me with soft surprise. "Yes.. how'd you know?"
I felt like rubbing it in that I was right, but I was sure she would take it personal. Instead, I said, "Lucky guess."
Quinn slowly padded her way to me. I pulled her to me and kissed the top of her head. She rested her head on my shoulder and we stood there hugging for a while.
Eventually, I whispered, "Are we meeting Magcon boys? Or nah?"
She smiled from ear to ear. "Yea, baby."

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron Dallas
FanfictionTaylor Caniff and Quinn Tracy are in love, and the things people do or say could never change that. Well, unless Quinns feelings for Cameron flourish even farther than they already have. As far as Cam is concerned, once Taylor makes a mistake, he'll...