A Little Bit O' Taylor

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I'm pretty proud of this story... I've been writing for the past couple of hours. This will be tonights last chapter. I am sooo tired. But.. Here is what I gotta say: I'm trying to make this story different then other fanfic. Lemme know your thoughts, please! Help my story get popular!
Quinns POV
At 6:55, i waited on the white porch steps for Taylor. I had put on a little mascara-waterproof because im sure i will cry-, brushed my hair out, and put on a black skirt, and a green Abrocrombie and Fitch shirt.
I had slipped on Sperrys. When Taylor pulled up, I somberly walked over and got into the car. Taylors hazel eyes were devouring me with an observant gaze. You could tell how worried he was. Gosh, he was perfect.
I grabbed his hand and he gave me a reassuring squeeze as he pulled out of the driveway.
Taylor and i did not live far away from each other. The same neighborhood, just a few winding streets in between. When we pulled into a circular driveway, i was reminded of my house. The whole neighborhood had houses built the same, just a few details here and there.
We exited the car, and went into his home.
I sucked in a quick breath. Inside was beautiful. Crystal chandeliers and gorgeous while walls. Even the dark furniture matched. Taylor was watching me. When i looked over at him, he raised one eyebrow. Then he turned and started climbing the stairs, pulling me along with him.
His house had one more floor than mine. Taylors room was the only bedroom on the 3rd floor.
He pushed open the door to reveal a large, light blue room. He had a rack on the wall the only bandanas hanging from it. He also had a black nightstand with pictures of family on it.
He pulled me onto the bed. We leaned on the head board as i told him everything. Everything i had bottled up came spewing out of me like a verbal volcano. He was very respectful through the whole episode.
When i was done, he wiped away my tears and told me everything would be okay. We sat there holding hands for the longest time. It was nice.
Eventually, i pulled myself on top of Taylor so my knees were on either side of him. His mouth formed a little 'o' because he was surprised. I smiled at him, so he smiled back.
I reached into his back pocket and got his phone. I loved how he never questioned me. He just went along with whatever i did. It was hard to find that amount of trust in someone, and it was given both ways.
I typed in my number and put it in his contacts as Quinn<3. Then he reached into my pocket and did the same with my phone.
We traded phones and smiled as we saw the contact names. Taylor had put his in as Taylor<3.
Taylor took both of our phones and place them on the nightstand. When our hands touched, we felt a buzz of electricity.
I gazed into Taylors eyes. He gazed into mine. My brain finally registered where i was. I was sitting on Taylor Caniffs lap. In his bedroom. Alone in the house. I should be freaking out, but i just wasn't uncomfortable here. Neither was Taylor.
I put my lips to his ear and murmured, "I think I'm in love with you."
Taylor tensed up, but then relaxed under me. I pulled back and studied his face. His eyes were closed and his lashes casted long shadows. One side of his mouth was turned up in a pleasant smile, like he was savoring the moment. He looked very attractive right now.
When he opened his eyes, he said the most beautiful thing to me. It wasn't cheesy, it wasn't too sappy. It fit the moment perfectly. He whispered to me, "I think I'm in love with you, too."
I couldn't stand it any longer. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He responded quickly, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. My hands were tangled in his hair. Our lips moved together softly, full of passion and love. His hands trailed up under my shirt to the small of my back. He was rubbing small, soothing circles there. I shivered with pleasure.
My hands slid down his neck and rested on his defined chest. We pulled back. Out faces still inches apart, we said simultaneously, "I am positively in love with you."

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now