I feel like no one reads my story. Thats okay, though. I write or my people and myself😊. I think after I'm done with this fanfic -Idunno when but no one reads it so...- Imma do like a fiction book. But no fanfic. Or i might add in fanfic. Idunnooooo. I think this is gonna end soon.
-LaylaNashs POV
I took a sip of my water and continued to listen. Taylor was telling some really funny stories. This one was about when his grandma stood by a door for, like, 6 hours waiting for him to come home so she could whack him with a broom.
"...I really regretted eating that last piece of cake..." Taylor continued the story, and I noticed something thats been going in the whole time.
Cameron and Quinn keep steeling glances at each other. You'd have to really pay attention to tell. When they meet each others eyes accidentally, Quinn blushes slightly and looks down. Well. This is.. not good. Not good at all.
"...when I finally came home, I was hoping she gave up, but nooooo. That would be too nice of her. She smacked my ass with a freaking broomstick." He wore a look of mock terror. "I had a line on my butt. For days."
I swear I will never get tired of Tays stories. The most ridiculous things happen to him. I said, "Isn't that child abuse?"
He laughed, "Yep. But I wasn't calling a hotline or anything about it."
Quinn chimed in, "Mhm if you did the child people would have taken you away."
Cameron put his finger to his chin, something he did when he was thinking. He said, "Why would that happen? He wouldn't be taken because of something someone else did."
Quinn responded with a frown, "Actually, they would. If whoever you live with isn't capable of caring for the kid," she looked really sad right now. I wonder why. She finished, "then they aren't allowed to keep the kid."
Taylor took her hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. This was why we wouldn't stand a chance with Quinn. Their relationship is strong and pure. Even though I don't know why this bad parent stuff makes her sad, he seems to and tries to make her feel better. He said, "Exactly. I didn't want to be alone."
I could see the strain in her smile. "Well,you aren't alone now."
"Neither are you." Taylor leaned down and kissed her quickly on the nose. I was adorable, but I wonder how Cam took it.
I looked over at Cam. He looked upset, but he recovered and choked out a laugh. "No PDA at the table!"
We all laughed and Lilly came back, smiling. "Hello! I'm Lilly. Are you guys ready to order?"
We were all starving and more than ready to order. I started, "Burrito, please."
We all ended up getting the same thing, and Lilly had the food there really fast. Everyone stuffed their faces with the delicious burritos and chips. We even added the hot sauce. I had dared Cameron to take a shot of the hottest one.
It went like this:
"Cam! Cam! Here, 5 bucks you won't down this whole cup of hot sauce."
He smirked. "5 bucks I will."
Then, he tipped the contents of the cup into his mouth. His face turned so red. He looked like a tomato! We laughed really hard.
Quinn said, "Cameron, I think your ears are steaming!" That made us laugh even harder and his face turn a darker shade of scarlet. She pushed her drink to him, and you would think that he hadn't drank anything at all for the past year. He finished everyones water. Cameron was lightening, but not fully. He flagged down a waitress with a pitcher of water and motioned that he needed to drink it. She looked confused and worried so she wearily handed him the cold water and walked off toward the kitchen.
Now, Cameron sat with an embarrassed look and 4 empty cups plus an empty pitcher of water in front of him. Why wouldn't all meals be like this?
I punched Cam in the arm and said, "You are the biggest idiot I have ever met."
He laughed and took the pitcher of nothing. Cameron stood up with the empty pitcher and stalked toward the kitchen. He ran through a hand through his hair and caught the attention of a waitress. Retard....
Quinns POV
Cameron. Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron. Why can't I stop with this?? I should not have feelings for another guy. Its wrong. Not to mention not fair to Taylor. I'm staying loyal to Tay. I was going to make sure I never did anything to betray him. Even if I admit to myself that I like Cam -which I do, as a friend and maybe a little more than that-, I was definitely not going to do anything about it. I may be a sucky friend, but I was a good girlfriend. I love Taylor and like Cameron. If I just keep reminding myself, this whole thing will be a whole lot easier.
I laughed at Cameron. We all did. I think the best part is what we all do when we laugh. Nash keeps punching Cam on his strong, tan, gorgeous arm. Ugh focus, Quinn. Taylor is slamming his hand on the table. I love the way his eyes crinkle up when he laughs. The sound of his laugh is like a call from Heaven. I leaned into him. I love Taylor so much.
Okay, my thoughts were straying a lot. First, about Cameron. Now about Taylor. I can't let myself ever think about Cameron. It wouldn't be right. But Taylor, on the other hand, I could manage. It isn't hard to daydream about to guy of your dreams. Then again, Tay is the guy of a whole fandoms dreams. The only difference is that I actually have him. Hah. Win for Quinn. Hey, that rhymed!
Cam sheepishly got up and walked toward the kitchen. He was returning the pitcher. What a baabbyyy.
When he got back, we decided it was tine to go.

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron Dallas
FanfictionTaylor Caniff and Quinn Tracy are in love, and the things people do or say could never change that. Well, unless Quinns feelings for Cameron flourish even farther than they already have. As far as Cam is concerned, once Taylor makes a mistake, he'll...