Just so you guys know, I am aware about the Magcon drama. I will still include all of the original boys, but without adding anybody. Lets pretend its just the original 9 and Mahogany :) tournament tomorrow, night!
Quinns POV
I focus all of my attention on the piece of paper in front of me. It is a picture of a man. He is being hung, and is an missing a few limbs. Frustration builds up in side me. Hangman is an irritating game. Out of 26 letters, I always manage to guess the wrong ones. I suck at this dumb game.
I glance at Mahogany, and say, "Don't look so smug. It's not a good look for you."
She just laughs in spite of me and crosses her arms.
My letters left that I can guess are:
And the answer is:
B _ _ _ _ I L _
I happen to suck so much at this game that I only have two legs and an arm until I lose.
UGH. Two legs left. I say a random letter, "U."
B U _ _ _ I L _
B U _ _ W I L _
Aha! "Oh, Buckwild!"
Her composure cracks into a beautiful, pink smile. "Right! Now we can.... Wait, are you allowed to leave?"
I cock my head. I'm not sure. I know they want to keep me overnight for observation, but they never said I had o stay during the day. I'm not hooked up to anything anymore, so its not like I wont be getting medication. I haven't asked either.
I shrug and press a button, summoning a nurse. I smile. "Hi, Amy! I was wondering, am I allowed to leave during the day and come back later? I know I have to be here at nighttime, but day?"
Her lips thin as she considers. I would have to ask the Dr. Elizabeth, but I'm sure you'd be able to. I don't see any problem with it. Let me ask."
I shared a look with Lox.
Frozen goodness melted in my mouth. "You know, Loxie, I should have met you sooner," I say, waving my spoon in her direction.
"I know, I'm awesome, right?"
I look at the bags in the back of my car. "You aren't too bad. I think our fashion sense clashes, though." I currently was wearing an orange, Lion King tank too with long arm holes and white jeans. She had on a black, sequin tee with grey, lace shorts.
She laughs. "Eh, opposites attract. Thanks again. For the clothes."
"Ah, no problem. I don't mind." In the stores, she had practically begged me on her hands and knees to let her pay for her own clothes. It was quite entertaining, actually. Well, the hans and knees part was a bit of an exaggeration, but it gets the point across, any how.
I had forgotten what it was like to have friends. Yeah, I had -have?- Taylor and Cameron, I still have the rest of the boys, too, but a girl is.... different. They understand you in ways guys can't. I forgot what it was when I had Courtney. Granted, she isn't a good example, but we were close up until that incident at Taylors. I hadn't even realized that I had even missed it. Lox was even starting to open up to me, her true personality coming through. i liked this more than you could even imagine.
"Oh!" Mahogany squealed. "Look at that puppy! Isn't it just adorable??"
I gave her a sidelong glance, keeping an eye on the road, and raised an eyebrow, which I can now do because I'm cool. *not in reality 😫*
She blushed and looked down. "Sorry..."
"No, no. Its fine. I just never though I would see this side of you."
Her eyebrows pulled together. "Is that good or bad?"
I laughed. "Good. I like seeing peoples true sides. Its refreshing."
She grinned ear to ear. The open window whipping her curly hair across her pale face. We had reached the hospital parking lot. It was 6:53, my curfew is 7. I say, "Right on time."
As we stumble into my room, I notice my stuff has been packed. Lox and I exchange a brief, curious glance. After dumping our bags onto my bed, I walk to the nurses station, Mahogany in toe.
"How may I help you?"
"Yes, actually. I see that my stuff has been packed up. Am I moving rooms?"
"Quinn Tracy?"
"Oh, no, dear. No moving. Well, in a sort. I will send Dr. Elizabeth to you to explain further. Just wait in the room please. Thank you, sweetie." Doctors and nurses are always so formal. No one says 'I will' instead of 'I'll' these days. I'd make more fun of her, but I have three reasons I refuse to:
1) She's still nice, yet an old professor
2) She helps, ya know, HEAL
3) I try to keep a good image
I know most people would be like, "Screw it, I'll be dead soon anyway!" but I'm not like that. Kindness is given where it is dealt.
I shrug at Lox after we turn the corner and reach for my phone, but deciding against it, I shove it back into my white jeans back pocket. For a while, I just study my black Chucks. I need new ones. Lox was just on her phone. I pull my hair into a high ponytail and fix my mascara. I was about to take a nap, too, butvthen Dr. E finally knocked.
"Come in."
She wore her stoic expression, but something unfamiliar was in her eyes. Joy? Impossible. She says, "As you see, you are ready to be moved. Your father had earlier visited, and graciously fit all of your belongings into what I assume is your suitcase. Since we cannot take any immediate action, it would be ideal for you to live your life while you can. Every monday, you will have a check up with me, and until further notice you are allowed to resume what you had been doing before. You will return home, a prescription is located in the front of your suitcase. You also no longer need to attend school. Please be safe, and have a wonderful day." I watch her coat sweet out the door.
I spin to Mahogany, jaw unhinged. She had a similar reaction. "I get to go home!"

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron Dallas
FanfictionTaylor Caniff and Quinn Tracy are in love, and the things people do or say could never change that. Well, unless Quinns feelings for Cameron flourish even farther than they already have. As far as Cam is concerned, once Taylor makes a mistake, he'll...