Lip gloss

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Good morning! I love sharing my stories with you guys, so here ya go. Popular please! Just so you know, I went back and changed the story so it was in 1st person. I don't know why I started it in 3rd, I hate writing in 3rd person. It should be written a bit better now :)
Quinns POV
I could not stand the silent anticipation buzzing through the car. I knew that wherever Taylor was bringing me, it was going to be incredible. To get my mind off of the need to know the place, I reached over and flicked on the radio.
Taylor had my left hand, so I was surfing stations with my right hand. There was nothing good on, so I reached into my back pocket and took out my phone. Taylor had a thin, black cord that you could hook up your phone to to play your phones music from the speakers. I plugged mine in and put my pandora station on shuffle.
The first song to come on was Lip Gloss by Lil Momma. I sung out in a beautiful voice while Taylor just sat there, driving and smirking. I turned it up a little. Taylor finally started singing because he couldn't help himself any longer. It was extremely adorable because you could hear his southern accent, but not a lot. He even danced a little and bite his lip, which made me scream inside.
Now, Taylor sang every song along with me, and we were laughing hysterically by the time we arrived in a parking lot. It was the parking lot to an amusement park.
Taylor got out and went to my window. He pressed his nose up against it and mouthed my favorite 3 words. I gently opened the door and Taylor picked me up like a baby and started kissing me. It was a hungry kiss, filled with desire. He pulled away and set me on her feet, i was a little dizzy from kissing him. He made my mind spin by just a simple touch.
We started the walk to the ticket booth, swinging out hands back and forth between them. No amount of words could explain how the I felt right now. In an understatement,
I was happy.

Nobody Said it was Easy // Taylor Caniff and Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now