Lunch Time

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Just a pre-warning to the readers, this story will contain domestic violence/abuse.
Hope you enjoy this book.


Everyone used to ask me, why do you stay with him? Even when he does all these horrific things to you? And the complete utter truth, is simply because I love him.


"So Grace, you coming to the big party this weekend?" Hunter asked me from across the table, quickly scoffing his sandwich in one go. 

I grimaced at the sight, "Did your mother not teach you any manners Hunter? God, you eat like an animal!" As the words escaped my lips, all of my best friends erupted into laughter.

"If you were an animal, you'd totally be a cat Hunter." Aby stated, the table went silent as everyone turned to give her a confused stare.

"Really guys? You don't get it?" Aby's eyebrows scrunched together, her eyes flickering between us all. "He's blatantly a cat because Hunter's always out on the prowl for a woman."

I found myself laughing so hard, but all of the sudden, I couldn't stop. My breath came in quick gasps between my uncontrollable giggles. Aby was always coming out with absurd things, she's the person you can always rely on to cheer you up.

"Oi Abs, that is so not true. I am very respectful towards women thank you very much." Hunter mumbled through the mouthful of food he was still attempting to chew. 

"HUNTER, EAT WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED." We all shout towards him in unison, disgusted by the sight of his half chewed food tumbling round his mouth. Hunter's eyes widened, silently replying to our outburst with a quick nod. 

Hunter has been my best friend since we started nursery together; he's stood by my side through thick and thin. To be honest, he's more like a brother to me and he hasn't changed one bit as he's grown up. Hunter may be eighteen years old, but he's still a child at heart. Unlike Liam, Hunter's not a massive ladies man. He's had a few girlfriends, but they've never turned into anything serious. Most of the girls he's been with before, despised how close we were, according to Hunter the girls were 'intimidated' by me, but it didn't take a genius to work out that Hunter was trying to make me feel better about the whole situation. Whenever somebody doesn't like me, I always have to try fix it and make them like me. Some would say, I am a people pleaser.

Without Hunter, there was no way in hell I would of made it through high school in one piece. Hunter scared the bullies off when he found out I was being taunted, and he made a promise with me that he wouldn't let anyone do that to me again. My heart fills with warmth and comfort, each and every time I think about all our childhood memories. A best friend is someone who loves you, even when you forget to love yourself and that pretty much sums Hunter up in a nutshell.

"Back to the party, Grace are you coming?" Olivia asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. She slowly ran her fingers through her straight blonde locks, finishing just below her defined collarbones.

Out of our group of friends, Olivia is without a doubt the prettiest. The majority of boys in our year have asked her out, however the whole time during high school she's never had a boyfriend or been on a date. She says it's her own choice, but we all know it's because of how strict her parents are and she knows they'd never approve of her having a boyfriend.

"I'm not really a party person, so I doubt it." I replied, jabbing a fork into my salad bowl. I'd been doing a healthy detox lately, and salad was my go to food right now.

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