What You Allow, Is What Will Continue

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Leo's POV

Her beautiful, small body was covered head to toe in bruises; all ranging in colours of the rainbow. Some old, some new, some scarred meaning they'd be there for the rest of her life. She squirmed under my stare, shame filling each dip and curve of her perfect body. Despite the colourisation Grace was still beautiful, she was strong, amazing considering what she had been going through. My eyes refused to move away from her, continuously blinking in the hope that this wasn't real.

"Who done this to you Grace?" I croaked, taking small steps towards her.

I wanted to hold her, tell her that everything was going to be fine. My heart was racing inside my chest, each beat was pumping scorched blood through the narrow veins in my body.

Grace's eyes shifted side to side, becoming glazed with a glassy layer of unshed tears. As she blinked, they slowly escaped from her eyelids and slid down her rosy cheeks. Her upper tooth bit down on her lower lip, preventing any cries from escaping. For the first time since I'd met her I could see she was broken, inside and out; my heart sank.

Her lower lip began to quiver as small, whispered words liberated between her lips, "Luke."

Anger began to boil deep within my body, churning, aching for destruction. My fists clenched at my side, I wanted to find him and beat the living daylights out for him for doing this to her. To a girl. A man isn't a man, if he can lay a finger on another woman. She didn't deserve this, god no women deserves this.

Part of me wanted to scream, shout my hatred towards Luke but I know I have to remain calm. The last thing Grace needed or wanted was more anger, more violence. She needs peace, serenity. She needed to be reassured and comforted.

I loved seeing her body, but this – this wasn't the way I wanted to see it. I'd thought about her non-stop since the day I met her, and my heart broke the day I found out she had a boyfriend. But she was happy, well at least I thought she was anyway. I knelt down to the ground, picking up the towel before wrapping it round her.

Her eyes eased, washing over with comfort now she was covered up again. How long had she hid these from other people? How long had this been going on? There were so many questions, that maybe I would never get an answer to but all that mattered right now was making sure she was safe.

"When did he start doing this to you?" I spoke, sitting down onto the edge of the bed and patting the space beside me.

Grace sighed, her body instantly relaxing onto the bed. "The first time was about a year and a half ago."

She'd been putting up with this for nearly two years?

My breath hitched, "Why? What happened?"

For a few seconds, her eyes flickered with something I was unsure of – maybe it was the replay of the memories, of the pain, of the day everything changed, the very moment she realised Luke wasn't the man who she thought he was.

"I-I-I spoke to another guy in Technology Class in Year 10, in the seating plan the teacher assigned I was put next to him and we got really close. We were just friends, but Luke didn't see it that way." Grace paused, beginning to pick at her her fingernails. "I came out of the lesson one afternoon and the boy laughed and put his arm around me, I didn't think anything of it because he was a friend. Luke and I walked home, and we went up to my bedroom when we got back to my house and his mood completely changed. One minute he was sweet as pie, then the next he was furious."

Her eyes clenched shut, more tears silently climbing out of the edges. Each one showing just how torn apart she really was, and just like everybody else I had been oblivious to it all.

"He told me I was a whore, that I was slagging myself about. I kept telling him I didn't want anybody else, that he was the only person I loved and looked at in that way but he didn't believe me. He pushed me onto the bed, and just began pounding his fist into my thighs and calves. I never cried, not that time – I couldn't my parents would've heard and came in the room. They adored Luke." Grace scoffed, "They still do adore him. They think he's some god sent, when in reality he's the opposite."

"You are not a whore. You've done nothing wrong, none of this is your fault." I reached for her hand, entwining her fingers in mine to prevent her from picking at them. It was clearly her way of coping, her only way to take her mind off what was going on around her.

Balls of hazel shone like sunlight underneath her strands of light brown, they screamed misery and in that moment it was quite possibly the most heart wrenching thing I had ever seen. This girl, this gorgeous, perfect human being who sat beside me had the potential to be anyone she dreamed to be but Luke took any ounce of hope away from her soul. He'd ruined her, putting her down in every way possible leaving her with nothing but fear.

"You're beautiful Grace, and anyone who abuses a woman should be locked up." Reassuringly, I squeezed her hand. Her pulse thumped against the side of my thumb, reminding me that even though she'd gone through hell she was still here alive.

"But I love him."

My eyes widened, "Sorry? How can you love him when he's done this?"

"It doesn't make him a bad person, he still loves me – we love each other." Grace replied, pulling her hand out of mine. "This is wrong, I shouldn't even be here."

Quickly Grace scrambled up from the bed, tugging her dress down over her body and fixing her shoes on her feet. I couldn't let her leave, I couldn't let her go back to him and get hurt even more.

"Grace, wait. Please." I begged, reaching for her. Hoping she'd allow me in, let me help her.

"What do you want Leo? You've seen it now, you've seen what I mess I am. I'm doing you a favour, I'm going away so you don't have to walk away." Grace shouted, wiping her tear away from her lower lashes.

She had absolutley no idea how much I cared for her, how much I wanted to be there by her side each day through the good or the bad. I'd never leave her, not now; not ever.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Each eye flickered in motion with mine, both of us staring into our souls. Mine was open, ready to be shared with her – just as much as I hoped she was ready to share hers with mine.

"Please just sit back down Grace, I can help you."

Her shoulders lifted up, then down over and over again. With each breath came deep thoughts, I knew she wanted to run back to him – she was scared. I couldn't blame her for that, I would be too if I had the bruises to prove how much of a monster he truly was. But as long as I stood by her side, I would never let him hurt her again.

Her locked with mine before she gently sighed, "Fine. What do you want to know?"

Just for a second, a glimmer of hope flashed across her face. It didn't stay long, before quickly fading away into fear. I didn't know how I was going to help her, not yet anyway but I would have to figure it out one way or another.

Whatever it took I was going to get her out of this, there is no way in hell I am going to sit back and watch him continue to treat her this way.

I have to get her away from Luke, for good.

★ ★ ★

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it, I really enjoyed writing from Leo's point of view.
  - Did you like reading Leo's POV?
  - Do you think Leo will be able to keep Luke away from Grace?

  On average the police receive an emergency call relating to domestic abuse every 30 seconds. 

On average a domestic violence victim will have experienced 35 assaults before they contact the police or seek for help.

If you, or you know a family member/friend that is going through domestic abuse please speak to somebody - a teacher, another family member, work colleague or a close friend.

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