A Star in Heaven

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Luke's lips turned upwards into a cheeky grin, before tipping a bottle of vodka upside down pouring it into a neon pink shot glass. After filling it to the brim, he slid it across the oak table - the alluring liquid coming to a halt right in front of me.

I've never been the type of person to get drunk, sure I'd had a few drinks before but I'd never gotten so drunk I was heaving my guts up the following day. From what I'd heard off Hunter and Liam, hangovers were not pleasant so I'd never let myself get that drunk. But tonight was different, tonight I wanted to let my hair down; have some fun.

I eyed the crystal clear liquid in the glass beneath me, intrigued of the taste. Vodka I had never tried, so this would be my first. Luke had been my first with many things, so I could add another thing to that never ending list tonight. I felt my cheeks burn as I thought back to the muggy summer evening Luke took my virginity, and when I took his.

We lost it to each other, and it was a special moment for the both of us. It was a night that would be engraved in my memory forever, I wanted my first time to be with the right person and for it to be perfect and a year down the line I had no regrets. We waited till we were both ready, and when I look back I know we done it at the right time in our relationship. Luke never pressured me, he was patient and that meant the world to me. 

I know what Luke does to me sometimes is wrong, it's terrible. It makes me feel awful, but I know he only does it because he loves me, because he cares so much. He knows it's wrong, and that's the important thing right? That each time he apologises.

Wrapping my short fingers round the shot glass, I lifted it to my lips knocking it back in one gulp. Instantly my mouth, and lips burned as if on fire. My nose turned up in disgust as the sour, vile taste sank into the depths of my taste buds. The liquid roamed through my body, scorching my esophagus on it's way down. Relaxation took over me, as the alcohol began to sink in all the negative thoughts that were clouding my mind began to fade away. 

But one shot wasn't enough, I needed more.

  I needed to be numb.

I slid the glass back to Luke, he quickly refilled it and once again I gulped it down in one go, and before I knew it I was on the tenth shot. Eventually the room was a blur, everyone and everything around me was strange, foreign. 

"Luke?" I shouted, calling out for him.

The sudden confusion added to my already high vulnerability levels, I wanted to go home.

Luke never replied, in fact no-one replied. The only thing I could hear was a few muffled voices, along with the faint beat of the music from the other room. I blinked once, twice; my eyes focusing on Olivia and Liam dancing together, very very closely. Maybe I didn't have to do anything to get them together, all Liv had to figure out was how much Liam liked her then it would all fit into place.

My hips began to sway uncontrollably in time with the music, and I had an overwhelming urge to get onto the dance floor. I stumbled forward, Olivia's face getting closer and closer when finally she caught site of me, and put her hand out for me to grab. I quickly took it, using her to hold myself up as my eyes spun to the back of my head as the liquor had now completely settled in. I was officially drunk, more drunk than I had ever been in my entire life. 

"Grace, are you okay?" Liv shouted, her warm breathe skimming my ear. 

"I think she's drunk Liv." Liam screamed, his voice barely audible over the pop music blaring.

"No shit Sherlock!" Liv rolled her eyes, "Where the hell is Luke?" 

"I'll get her outside, you grab some water. We'll sober her up." Liam stated, nodding his head towards the back doors.

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