The Devil in Disguise

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"Were you ever going to reply to any of my texts Grace?" Luke spat, keeping his distance as students piled their way down the stairs in a single file beside us.

I sighed, almost fed up of this conversation already, "I lost my phone the other night at the party, the only way to contact me is on Facebook." 

Luke scoffed, "I gathered that, you just had more important people to speak too than your own boyfriend."

Luke's eyes settled behind me, both igniting a jungle green. The colour was foreign, along with the uncomfortable aura that reflected off him. He seemed angry, but not with me. I shifted my body side to side, eager to find out whether to be petrified or calm of this unknown mood he was currently in.

But then it hit me. I didn't need to look behind me, I already knew what he was looking at. Leo. Those emerald eyes were jealousy, he was furious, angry at Leo. For what reasons I had no idea, but it was obvious he hated me talking to him. He didn't have to tell me that he had saw how close I'd seemed to him in the classroom, it was clear that he despised me being friendly with another man.

For the first time in my life, I saw the controlling monster that lives deep inside Luke's innocent exterior. From the outside no-one would assume he was evil, only those who got close enough knew the real him. The unlucky ones like me, were those who experience the wrath of his malicious ways.

"You are coming with me!" Luke suddenly grabbed my wrist, gripping onto it tight. A whispered whine escaped my lips, as the skin beneath his calloused fingers began to sting.

Desperately, I tried pulling my arm back, but it was no use; he was stronger than me, I stood no chance.

"Luke let me go right now!" 

All I heard in reply was a loud intimidating laugh, which in return made me feel like the worlds smallest person. Luke continued to pull me down the staircase, to my dismay each corridor was as empty as the next. No sign of any students, teachers, each one was desserted. Everyone had disappeared, it was just Luke and I and the thought of us being alone together made my stomach churn.

I wanted to scream, shout for Leo but a part of me thought it was for the best to keep him out of this for now. I'd never seen Luke fight against another boy, and a big part of me wanted me to keep it that way. Leo being hurt was something I never wanted, and Luke would ensure that would happen if he ever got in the way of one of our disagreements.

Before I knew it Luke had dragged me out to the front school, coming to a halt behind the bike shed. A place where nobody could see us from inside the school, and somewhere nobody would ever come in the middle of the day. My heart began to thump, so loudly I could hear it pulsating in my skull. I had no idea what was coming, but I already knew it wasn't going to be pleasant.

"So you spent the whole day with him yesterday then huh?" Luke laughed, his chuckle echoing as it bounced off each red bricked wall that surrounded us. 

"How-how do you know that?" I stuttered, suddenly paranoid about what else he knew.

Was he watching me?

Did he have someone watching me?

Was he stalking me?

Luke smirked, his eyes sparkling more with each step he took towards me, "You really are stupid Grace! Have you forgotten that you gave me your facebook password a couple of months ago?" Luke paused, edging closer towards me. "I went on your account last night to check if you were okay, I was concerned because I hadn't heard a thing off you. Turns out I had no need to be worried, considering you spent the whole day with that twat yesterday instead of having sex with me!" 

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