Old Wounds Never Heal

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I'm really not happy about the fact your staying late with Hunter, you know how cosy he gets with you. I think it's best you come home with me. - Luke

Luke's text had been swirling round my mind since it pinged through my phone during last period, distracting me completely from Mrs Peters lesson about The Civil War.

History had never been my favourite subject, so why I picked it for A Level I will never know. But I do know, it is one big regret I have to suffer with three times a week when it bores me half to death. Once the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat scurrying to the door completely missing Mrs Peters instructions for this weeks homework. I had to find Hunter, and tell him I couldn't stay late. I needed to go home with Luke.

I'd nearly given up looking for Hunter when I finally found him in the car park at the front of the school. It was compacted with other kids, pushing and shoving through the crowds eager to leave for the day. A traffic jam was trailed up the road, each car beeping there horn repetitively wanting the one in front to move out of the way. It baffled me how this happened each day, you'd think the parents would wait at the bottom of the road but they never learn their lesson. They just do it again and again, five days a week, twice a day.

"I'm really sorry Hunter, some stuff has come up at home. I can help you with the homework tomorrow in form." I lied convincingly, I made up so many excuses now a days, it just seemed to come naturally to me.

I quickly scanned Hunters face; noticing that it remained emotionless indicating he had bought my lie. A gust of wind gently blew chocolate brown over my face, blocking my view. After I'd flattened my hair down, and rearranged it in it's correct place I glanced behind Hunter at Luke, he was standing against his car waiting for me. My body shifted uncomfortably, as I realised the whole time I'd been talking to Hunter he hadn't taken his eyes off us. Examining my body language, words and facial expressions.

"Don't worry about it Grace, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." Hunter wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a tight hug. I closed my eyes for a few moments, relishing the overwhelming feeling of safety.

As Hunter let me go and backed away from me, in the corner of my eye Luke's hands scrunched into tight fists by his sides. His eyes narrowed, his face seething with anger immediately making my skin crawl.

"Bye Hunter." I quickly ran towards Luke, hoping leaving Hunter abruptly would make him less mad at me.

"Can we go home now babe?" I whispered, hoping he wouldn't be furious at me for letting Hunter hug me.

I know I shouldn't hug other boys, but I couldn't help it when he hugged me.

Luke stayed silent as he walked round to the drivers side, he jumped in the car and slammed the door behind him; the loud bang making me wince. I hopped into the passenger seat, before I could put my seatbelt on Luke started the car, shoved it into first gear, and sped off down the road.


The entire journey to my house was filled with silence, neither of us said a single word to each other. It was the kind of silence that somehow screamed a thousand words. There are good forms of silence; the type where you embrace each other's presence and hold one another. It's easy, breath taking, simple. But then there's the bad form; the type when you can hear a loud ringing in your ears, leaving you confused, scared and anxious. This type of silence is deafening; goosebumps over take your body and your breath hitches over and over again, as you lose the ability to breathe.

I glanced towards Luke, his hand was turning a tomato red as his grasp got tighter and tighter on the steering wheel. His jaw was clenched, disappointment scrawled all over his face. He was disappointed in me; ashamed.

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