The Kiss of Life

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Hunter's POV

The clock ticked on the wall at the far end of the room, coinciding with the boy beside me who annoyingly kept clicking his pen. Each lesson he stayed silent, normally I enjoyed chit chat but today I could not be more grateful for his lack of talking. My heart was still racing beneath my skin, the thought of Luke touching Grace made me feel physically sick.

My fingers brushed across my split, bloody knuckles remembering the fight a few hours ago. Guilt was all I felt each time my knuckles smashed into his cheek bones, it was enough to make me hate myself knowing I'd let my best friend down for all these years. I should've noticed, I should of seen the signs that he'd been abusing her but clearly my ability to read Grace had lessened since she had been with Luke. I knew she'd distanced herself from me, but I figured she was growing up and no longer needed me like she used too. A huge part of me was happy for her, but another side of me was jealous that he now got her full attention.

"Hunter!" Miss Kaw screeched, her eyebrows scrunched along with the tight wrinkles on her forehead. I was never her biggest fan, but today I was not in the mood for confrontation.

I rolled my eyes, before replying. "What?"

"Don't use that tone with me Mr!" She continued, but my eyes flitted away from her.

Grace's beautiful hazel eyes appeared through the transparent window, full with sorrow and regret. My heart inevitably thumped faster inside me, she had a thrilling affect on me - she always had, and always will.

The unimaginable trauma she had been through made me feel utterly useless. How she had kept going all this time, acting strong and normal was beyond me. Grace was truly magnificent, inside and out she reflected a truly enchanting colour that made you fall into a trance each time you are around her.

But now - I could finally see it. The once yellow, beaming, bright colours that used to surround her each day had darkened into a depressing grey. The Grace I once knew and loved, was broken. Luke had changed her, and all I needed was to hold her tight and feel her heart beat next to mine.

"Hunter, get back here right now!" Miss shouted, her high pitched voice pentrating through my ear drums.

"Not in a million years, will I ever turn my back on this girl again!" My voice boomed, filling the room. "So shut up, and continue your boring lesson. Because I am gone!"

Wide eyes scanned between the teacher and I, waiting for Miss Kaw to retaliate. Silence. An uncomfortable, awkward silence circled around me but I didn't care. Nor did I care for anyone else, other than the girl that was waiting on the other side of the wooden frame. My feet ran for the door, and my arm pulled it open with an almighty strength. My heart raced, preparing for the sprint outside to find her.

Once my eyes locked onto her my feet froze in place, as if they were stuck in deep concrete. I gulped, inhaling a deep breathe. Grace had a beauty that was so unique, maybe it was because she was completely unaware of her prettiness. Her pale, porcelain skin was perfect in so many ways - each freckle that dotted her cheeks made me smile. She'd always hated them, but not me. I adored them. In fact I adored every tiny thing about Grace from her head to her toes.

Ever since we were little, Grace made everything in my life seem so simple. Losing my sister left an unfixable hole in my heart that I never imagined to be filled, but somehow Grace made me feel complete again. Grace was so oblivious to how easily she made me feel at ease - a simple smile, a giggle or her touch made my chills transform into flaming balls of fire.

Before I knew it, my arms were tangled around her waist. Just like that the walls that she had built up around her, came tumbling down. Her wails disappeared into the empty blue sky, only I could hear her gasping for breath between her cries. Gently I pressed my lips against her brown locks, inhaling the tropical scent that tightly gripped onto her. I wanted to hold her close, so tightly to ensure nobody could ever break her heart again.

Moments like these with Grace, remind me of how deep our friendship sets into our souls. She'd been my life partner, friend and happiness since the moment we met. Crazy as it sounds, Grace is my soul mate. We were mean't to find each other, and hold on tight to one another through life's ups and downs.

"Hunter?" Grace croaked, her voice filling the eery silence of the air.

"Yes Grace?" I replied, her soft locks running through the cracks of my fingers.

"Thank you." She whispered, pulling away from my drenched chest.

I frowned whilst tucking a strand behind her damp ear, "Why are you thanking me for?"

"Because you always pick me up when I fall down. I'm so lucky to have you in my life!" Grace's pink lips tugged into an adorable smile, provoking mine to appear too.

I chuckled, "You never need to thank me for being your friend."

Grace's eyes ignited with a sudden heat, an intense emotion removing the wet streams that were falling down her face a few moments ago. As her hand drifted towards my hip, butterflies escaped inside of me. She pulled me closer, her tight grip showing her hunger for my touch. Grace's lips found their way to the warmth of my neck, delicately placing gentle kisses towards my chin. Each brush her lips made with my skin, left me eager and aching for more. More of her scent, touch and presence.

My breathing quickened, and so did hers. I urged myself to pull away, after all this was wrong. She was hurting, meaning all this would be a massive regret tomorrow morning. This didn't mean anything, at least that's what I would be telling myself anyway. Loving Grace would be easy, just like everything else is with her.

Removing myself from her embrace was something I no longer wanted to do, I loved being this close to her I could never give it up. As her eyes fixated with mine, her head tilted and she began to lean closer towards me. My eyes fluttered shut, impatient to finally feel her lips on mine. I'd wanted this for such a long time, it was insane that it was moments away from happening.

When her lips finally flicked against mine, my body ignited with foreign flames. The warmth travelled down towards the ground, and all the way back up again. I'd kissed girls before, but none of them had ever felt quite like this. In just a few seconds I was addicted, the thought of ever being without her was unbearable and breathing without her was impossible. I lived for her, I ached for her and all I ever needed was her beside me.

The kiss intensified, a whole new level of thirst becoming apparent. As my hands tangled in her hair, I was officially intoxicated by her. I wanted so much more than what was being given, but now was not the time and to my disappointment the time for that may be never. Cold droplets of rain began to fall onto my bare arms, enticing me to pull Grace closer to keep her warm.

Rain began to stream down our faces to where our lips formed into one, both of us tasting the cold water. But instead of it distracting us, it transformed our closeness to new heights. I pushed my lips in more firmly, not wanting this moment with her to ever end.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Did you like seeing Hunter's point of view? ❤️

If you are experiencing anything similar to what Grace has experienced with Luke, please speak to somebody you trust. You are not alone. ❤️

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